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ID3 tags not being read by eJukebox I have the latest version of eJukebox (4.2). I've added a bunch of new songs but eJukebox isn't r ... |
1-3-2007 at 05:56 AM by: chevytough |
ejukebox on the road My ejukebox project:
I put a 12" touchschreen LDC and computer in my car. I used some fibe ... |
4-12-2004 at 12:47 AM by: chevytough |
BLANK ALBUM COVERS I have been having the same problem as shrip for a while now - album cover lookup just stopped worki ... |
11-22-2003 at 06:10 PM by: chevytough |
Album covers still comming back blank I have upgraded to v3.53 and my ablum covers are still comming back blank! is anybody else still ha ... |
10-18-2003 at 11:17 PM by: chevytough |
Album covers I have used ejukebox for about a year i would say, and everyhitng worked fine, then a couple months ... |
10-15-2003 at 09:58 PM by: chevytough |