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Playlist history
junk - 8-14-2003 at 02:10 AM

I've developed a habit for putting eJukebox in random play mode before i go to bed, and sometimes, when i wake up, i have this tune stuck in my head, and i don't know which song it is. Perhaps i recognize the artist, but i won't bother to go through all of their albums just to find this one song...

So a playlist history would be excellent. It could display at which time the songs were played as well, might be fun.

stsirois - 8-14-2003 at 03:40 PM

Check this thread out...

Most of the features you mentioned have already been implemented. I would really like to see more stats like I mentioned here:


junk - 8-14-2003 at 10:50 PM

Sorry, that's right, i forgot there was such a menu entry in the "Specials" menu...

But i guess one of the reasons i forgot about is that it doesn't work on my setup unless you select it twice. The first time i click on "Last played", the list is blank. If i select it again, the list appears.

I've never tried it twice before, so i didn't think it worked at all, and forgot all about it.

Does anyone else have this problem?