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posted on 4-30-2004 at 12:03 PM
incorrect tags being loaded
I've got the Matrix Score album when i first loaded the album into ejukebox the album name was "Matrix Score" using Media Player 9 and
Winamp 5 i have renamed the whole album to "OST - Matrix Scroe" deleted the ejukebox database and reimported it but know matter what i do i
still get the old album name from somewhere, both the id3 tags 1 and 2 and exzactly the same even it i delete 1 and leave 2 and vis versa it still
picks up the old album name i've spent hours trying to fix this but without any luck has anyone got any ideas?
posted on 4-30-2004 at 05:40 PM
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. When you build your eJukebox music database under v3.8 it will always use the album name specified in the
id3 tag if one exists.
To correct the problem right now... all you have to do is right click a song from the album in the songlist and select "Edit Song" then in
eJukebox's editor click "Rename Album" and change the album name.
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posted on 4-30-2004 at 11:07 PM
Thanks for your reply.
I have already tried doing that and it kinda works the album is renamed. But the new album name does not show up in the album view just the old album
name which i can't get rid of the only way to play the album after you do that is to go to artists. This look like a great program other than
this small problem i'm having. When is v3.8 out?
posted on 5-1-2004 at 12:00 AM
v3.8 will be released on or before 5-3-04.
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posted on 5-3-2004 at 09:54 AM
Installed v3.8 but still having the same problem.
Uninstall 3.75
Installed 3.8
Made sure mp3 file tags were right.
Ran ejukebox and browsed to the directory and imported but still picked up old album name.
Any ideas?
posted on 5-3-2004 at 06:20 PM
Did you do Rebuild Database or Add New Files? If you did Add New Files try Rebuilding the Database...Click the Update Database button in the eJukebox
options panel and select "Re-Build Database"
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posted on 5-3-2004 at 11:02 PM
I've tryed rebuilding data base from scratch and i have tryed rebuilding data base from within ejukebox same problem. Any other ideas, i would
love to buy this program as long as i can figure out this bug.
posted on 5-4-2004 at 12:34 AM
Does it show the album name correctly in the song list?
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posted on 5-4-2004 at 12:40 AM
No it doesn't show correct name in song list.
After fully uninstalling ejukebox i open the album in winamp and checked that all the albums tags were "OST - The Matrix" then i installed
ejukebox 3.8 specifyied the dir that the mp3s were in and it picked up the album name "Matrix Score" which is what it was when i first
ripped the album.
posted on 5-4-2004 at 12:43 AM
I have no idea what the problem is...we have made the changes to v3.8 so that this should not happen. Just use eJukebox's editor to Rename the
Album. Then refresh your album list.
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posted on 5-4-2004 at 12:52 AM
I will try that tonight but the problem is when i go to import new albums it picks up the old tags again and i have to upadte all the tags again. Can
i send you one of the mp3s maybe so yuo can research the problem?
posted on 5-4-2004 at 01:00 AM
| can attach a mp3 to a forum post if it is under 2MB - otherwise email it to us at
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posted on 5-4-2004 at 01:07 AM
k i will e-mail file tonight so you can try and dignose the problem.
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posted on 5-8-2004 at 03:59 AM
Just wondering if you got my email Audiosoft with the attacement so you can diagnose the problem and if so how are you going with it?
posted on 5-8-2004 at 04:11 AM
Yes...we recieved the file. It looks like the problem is that the song did not have a cover image so the album name was being changed to the one found
when eJukebox looks it up. Editing one Song (that has a cover image) from the album in eJukebox and clicking "Rename Album" and after that
clicking "SetImage4All' should permanently fix the problem.
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posted on 5-8-2004 at 06:38 AM
That worked i edited track closed ejoukebox and went back in and it was all fine but when i do an import of the database again it picks up the
original information again, why is this and how can i stop it i don't want to have to update those albums names everytime i add items to my
database or it gets corrupt and i have to rebuild.