posted on 10-31-2003 at 06:57 PM
Access eJukebox2web v2.0 interface from a computer outside of your home network
First off you need to use the "Connection's IP Address" to access eJ2Web outside of your home network. To find this IP address goto: while on any PC in your home network.
Also, If you want to access the eJukebox2web v2.0 interface from a computer outside of your home network; Installing a separate web server program is
not needed. eJ2Web2.0 is a web server which operates at the port # you specify in the eJukebox control panel.
If you have firewall software running on the same pc that is running eJ2Web make sure that it is setup to allow full access on the port # (e.g. 80)
that you are using.
If you still cannot remotely access eJ2Web2.0's interface after browsing to the "Connection's IP Address" (e.g. on the same port # as is in the eJ2Web settings....
The problem is if you have more than one computer on a home network - your home router will probably use a single public IP address for all the
computers. If you are outside of your home network and try to access a resource at that single IP address; the connection request will not know which
computer on the network to go to.
Good news is... most routers allow you to configure them via a web browser to make them Aware. The router can be accessed by browsing to: or something similar. If you have never accessed the router before you will
probably need to consult the routers documentation or web site to get its default name and password.
From the router menu, You then need to find PORT FORWARDING or something similar and set it up to take requests to port 80 (or the port you use in
eJ2Webs settings) and forward them to the computer, that is running eJ2Web2.0's, home network address (e.g. After doing that you should be able to access eJ2Web from outside your home network.
If you have a broadband connection, on both ends, and want to Listen to what’s playing in eJukebox from outside your home network… Check out:
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posted on 11-4-2003 at 08:14 PM
Great instructions. I just wanted to invite everyone to see what I've done with mine. If you don't have a static IP - you can still obtain
one in a roundabout way by using software from and an account (free) on Because of this I've been able to set up
a "radio station" of sorts where users can connect to a stream, view an html of my album list and then logon to eJukebox to enque songs.
Check all this out at:
(If it is down or the limit of 5 users has been reached, contact me at "ArinBennet" on AIM and i'll fix things). Sorry for the long
post, just wanted to show off what can be done with this amazing eJukebox software and encourage others to do the same.
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posted on 11-5-2003 at 02:15 PM
Wow, Sloan, truly amazing!!! And a great music taste too. Now I know where I can come to preview some music... ;-)
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posted on 11-5-2003 at 09:14 PM
Thanks Demnos If anyone tries to access it and it isn't up, be sure
to send me an IM and I'll fix things. Cheers!
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posted on 8-4-2012 at 12:46 PM
ok I have the display on my Xoom and can change songs but I have no sound on my Xoom. So it does change the songs on my computer and I hear the songs
on my computer just not on my Xoom.
What am I doing wrong???
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posted on 8-6-2012 at 12:09 PM
Why are you not responding to my posts??? If there is no support I want a refund.
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posted on 8-6-2012 at 04:36 PM
I have all the Now That's What I Call do I get it to sort it and show those albums?
posted on 8-6-2012 at 09:01 PM
RE: I have all the Now That's What I Call do I get it to sort it and show those albums?
do the songs have a track # in the song editor? do the track numbers go high or restart with each cd? how many cd's are there? try typing "That's
What I Call Music" in the seach box and then click the album name in the right column.
RE: ok I have the display on my Xoom and can change songs but I have no sound on my Xoom. So it does change the songs on my computer and I hear the
songs on my computer just not on my Xoom.
What am I doing wrong???
If you want to listen on the XOOM remotely then configure the 2Web options panel options. There are options for different ways of sending mp3 to your
the Xoom web browser. Or maybe you could find an app that will stream the .m3u link. you will probably need to use Wifi for it to be able to stream
well remotely.
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