posted on 3-11-2003 at 09:34 AM
eJukebox Keyboard Shortcuts
Here is a list of supported Keyboard shortcuts as of v2.97:
Alt-F4 - Exit
PageUp - Artist List/songlist scroll up - Playlist song to Top
PageDown - Artist List/songlist scroll up - Playlist song to Bottom
Delete - Delete currently selected playlist song
Up - Move Song Up in Playlist
Down - Move Song Down in Playlist
1 Focus Playlist
2 Focus Song List/Album List/Homepage
Right - Move Playlist, Song List, HomePage, Album List selection right/forward
Left- Move Playlist, Song List, HomePage, Album List Selection left/back
Q - Play selected album in Album List
Backspace - Songlist Back
Shift + Backspace - Song List Forward
F5 - Home
F6 - Artists
F7 - Albums
F8 - Genre
F9 - Year
F10 - Popular
F11 - New
+ Volume Up
- Volume Down
L Load Playlist
S Save Playlist
M Playlist Menu
F1 Search
P Play/Pause
N Next Song
W Start/Stop Winamp Visualization
O Options/Playlist
E Expand/Hide Panels
ALT + Letter = Artist Listing
Posts: 156
Registered: 3-11-2003
Location: Rochester, NH USA
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posted on 4-4-2003 at 04:11 AM
ATi Remote Wonder Support?
Thanks for this informative list. This will come in handy for programming the "special" keys on my ATi Remote Wonder, but I was hoping that
eJ could provide support for the regular buttons on the Remote Wonder. Buttons such as the volume, channel up/down would be cool to use in eJ.
Winamp 2.x is natively supported by the Remote Wonder, but I couldn't get eJ to respond to any of the remote's buttons. Any comments or
posted on 4-4-2003 at 04:16 AM
eJukebox v3.0 will allow you use to use Winamp's >> button to play the next eJukebox song. So if you remote works with Winamp it should be
able to do this under v3.0. Also the volume should also work with the winamp remote settings, though it may not update eJukebox's volume slider
display unless you program the remote to use the + and - keys to control the volume.
Posts: 156
Registered: 3-11-2003
Location: Rochester, NH USA
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posted on 4-4-2003 at 02:11 PM
Sounds great! Thanks for the tip. After v3.0 is released, I'll report my findings.