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posted on 5-28-2008 at 06:58 PM
Looking for sound activated USB lights for Jukebox PC
I am thinking about selling my physical jukebox and replace it with a pc, with a touchscreen running eJukebox.
What I am looking for is 'bling' to add to the setup, like lights that flash to the music or something flashy that can surround the monitor. I
would rather have something that screams music, than just what looks like a monitor attached to a wall.
Anyone know of anything like what I am looking for?
posted on 5-29-2008 at 02:45 AM
Neon is probably the best way to go for this. Search for 'custom neon' or consider low cost usb neon sticks:
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posted on 12-28-2010 at 09:57 PM
Pac-drive plugs into a USB port and can control up to 16 LEDs. You can program the patterns or set it to random. I built a MAME arcade cabinets and
put LEDs inside the buttons. They flash in a programmed pattern in attracted mode, then once a game has been chosen, it lights only the active
buttons. I thought about adding one to my jukebox, but I'm thinking about building a new one from the ground up instead.