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posted on 1-4-2006 at 07:56 AM
new user help
well guys I found this great plug in and my 30 day trial is almost over but before I buy this program thier is some questions I like to know
1. I eventually want my jukebox in something like this kit.
the button support would be great but I rather have touch screen support a flat monitor with touch screen ad on KIT
will this work.
2. I like the "DO NOT SEPERATE ALBUMS BY ARTIST " OPTION display but I have alot of compilations albums and I dont like the fact that they are
Can I remove them from beeing listed?
3. on the TAG editor I hade to many problems with it
finding wrong covers artis song titles so I disabled it and used an external editor, but its not updateing the album covers,
If I delete and album from my Hard drive its still on the jukebox list
if I change the tags with an external editor they do not update.
is their an option like in Winamp that
posted on 1-5-2006 at 05:29 AM
1. I can't get the kit site to load right now so I am not sure...but eJukebox will work on any Win98, Win2000, WinXP computer with Internet Explorer
6 and Winamp installed.
2. To hide compilation albums go under the Album List Options and unCheck the "Show Compilations" option then click "Refresh List".
3. If you update your MP3 tags outside of eJukebox then you will need to update your music database so eJukebox can see the changes. To do that: go
under the options panel that shows up over the playlist. Click the button on the bottom left hand corner that says "Update Database". The click the
button that says "Clean/Refresh Database". From there you can have eJukebox automatically "Remove Missing Files" or "Re-Build Folder" which will
read in any outside tag changes to mp3s in the folder you select.
Note: After the new tag data is in the database you may need to refresh the album and artist lists in order to have them reflect the changes.
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posted on 1-5-2006 at 07:10 AM
1. sorry for the bad link I'm not sure what happend
I want to stick a PC in something like this
and control it with a touch screen monitor or this add on
2. I tryed this option but the problem is that I want my compilation to show up as compilations on the top I dont like the fact that my movie or
other various artist sound tracks appear under a speficit artist like this

their is more than one arttist on the Pulp fiction soundtrack but its under Al green.
I basicaly want my list the way it is showing with the artist name and his or her albums underneith but would like the compilations albums on the
3. thanks on that one
posted on 1-5-2006 at 08:39 AM
A touchscreen and PC will work. Just not sure if having that touchscreen panel ontop of the glass window in those kit plans would be ideal because of
the space in between...but it will work.
In order to get eJukebox to recognize an album as a compilation you will need to click the compilation album in the album list. Then right click one
of the songs from the album in the songlist and select Edit Song. In the Editor check the "Compilation" checkbox...that will mark the album as a
compilation in eJukebox. Repeat for each album you want to make a compilation then refresh the album list.
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posted on 2-16-2013 at 03:42 PM
Hi 32assassin, just wondering. Are you still using this software today?