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eJukebox v4.99.987
Audiosoft - 5-6-2009 at 06:15 AM

Do Not run the file until you replace it over your existing eJukeboxejukebox.exe
You can download 4.99.987's ejukebox.exe HERE

What's New in eJukebox v4.99.987 - October 19th 2009
-eJukebox now starts up faster
-fixed artist list right click menu was disappearing when you tried to click it
-more links on Home view links in eJukebox now shown in internal browser and automatically expands to fullbrowser width when page has horizontal scrollbar

eJukebox v4.99.986 - October 16th 2009
-Album List Large option now displays 4 albums per row
-new stats on Home View
-can now resize Top shelf3d height while on Home button view
-fixed carousel flicker on albums change
-fixed EDV/Full Web Browser toggle button so the arrow captions inside it are always correct
-fixed https:// was jumping out of full width browser mode

eJukebox v4.99.985 - October 9th 2009
-Artist List genre select box now lets you select decades
-Artist List genre menu now displays "All +Demo" option to include demoartists.txt top 100 all time artists in the list.
-NetRelated: ON area now shows Searching Net... when it is
-When NetRelated enabled and album list open with autosizing it will now leave the first row of related streams uncovered

eJukebox v4.99.984 - October 7th 2009
-new < and > arrows for the Top Albums on the Home button view
- fixed arrows on top song and artists were now using homeview headtext color
-updated 'database update manager' buttons from Win32 to KDE2
-updated so re-size now playing panel height also works when the mouse is over the playlist song count
-updated so volume and time pngs hide while dragging the now playing height so that sizing animates smoother
-updated to remove now missing and no longer in db old autolookup images when encountered so they get looked up again
-made ejukebox check if last startup was successful and if not it now resets the start up file path as the last track is probably causing an error in directshow preventing ejukebox from starting
-new optional [LargePlayControls] Top=X or -X pixels in colors.ini
-skin now will use a lsnglistbrd.jpg if exists over a lsnglistbrd.gif
-skin now will use a rsnglistbrd.jpg if exists over a rsnglistbrd.gif
-new optional add a timeslider.png for a large time seek handle
-new optional add a timeemptybg.jpg for underneath the play controls
-new optional add a timeelapsedbg.png for underneath the play control buttons and stretched below timeelapsed.jpg

eJukebox v4.99.982 - September 30th 2009
-Artist List now shows the Top 100 Artists of All Time so that new users without many artists yet can try NetRelated
-demoartists.txt now installed to eJukebox folder. Any artists in it will always show in the artist list. to disable open demoartists.txt in notepad and clear and Save.
-fixed Drag over playlist < and > buttons was not progressing the playlist page
-can now give the Artist List highlight a different text color and have it alternate the text and background highlight colors for odd and even rows. See LINK

eJukebox v4.99.98 - September 24th 2009
-should now prevent all now playing animation flickering plus improve fps
-fixes songlistbot.png was not coving the last 2 pixels at the bottom
-fixed virtual keyboard skin sometimes not loading all the elements

eJukebox v4.99.97 - updated September 20th 2009
-fixed typing ' in searchbox was erroring out in autocomplete
-immediate shutdown now closes winamp when do not close winamp option unchecked
-shutdown now closes transviz
-New "Immediate Shutdown" option on OTHER tab for immediate closing of ejukebox and skipping of compacting and backing up your database file
-New optional Shutdown confirmation dialog that allows you to select Immediate or Normal shutdown
-Skin.zips now only extracted over existing files when the file in the zip is newer. Extra Protection Prevents your skin edits from being overwritten when ejukebox.ini is missing.
-Options and List Builder now above Skin on Tools menu
-Updated Custom List Builder look
- fixed prevent playback stoppage was sometimes skipping over the song being changed to
-new experimental auto-complete on search type
-fixed flicker on left edge of now playing panel animation
-improved now playing animation speed so the song change feels faster
-fixed database import was replacing hyphens in genres with a space
-fixed ListBuilder Profile button Menu items were not working in .96
-fixed UpNext and Songlist Transition Animation were not working when ej was not on aligned left edge of the screen
-separated UpNext and Songlist Transition Options - UpNext animation now enabled by default
-Rearranged display options

eJukebox v4.99.96 September 3rd 2009
-Popular Button Replaced with HotLists button. List Items removed from Tools button and moved to HotLists for fast menus
-HotList Button contains new submenu to view the songlist for your Custom AutoList Builder Profiles
-Songlist header title for Custom Lists now shows the profile name
-can now add the following to colors.ini to change the right edge to a color other than black
-Esc key now closes the search box and keyboard
-visorcar.png height now stretched to match carousel not only shelf3d
-fixed visorcar.png and albumlistbar.png so they are visible and sized correctly when in non-edv with the non-widescreen artistlist open covering the artist column in the songlist
*updated September 5th - fixes the hyphen in hyphenated genres was being replaced with a space during database import

eJukebox v4.99.95 August 19th 2009 -
-fixes album cover lookups. All versions before v4.99.95 are no longer able to complete new cover lookups. For cover lookups to work correctly you must update to v4.99.95 or newer.
-fixes [Left] border was not showing after first .95
-Animate UpNext and Songlist Transitions option now disabled by first time default

eJukebox v4.99.95 August 18th 2009
-fixes red x's. cached cover images are now checked for validity before display. when broken cache image encountered it is now replaced by the good image in your database
-Bookmark Mode with 'maintain track order' now picks up where it left off on next startup
-fixed playlist read in/load bookmarks so it does not get stuck in read loop when you load new playlist file while last was still loading in
-updated playlist read in/load bookmarks so it skips missing file paths and does not include them in the count
-2web now shows top 100 genres instead of top 50
-fixed a-z buttons alignment so there is never a space between the buttons
-fixed "songlistshadow.png" so it hides when right side hidden
-can now hide left border in colors.ini under [Left] add Hide=1
[MainButtons] section can now add the following in colors.ini to alter the button height and top position in pixels
-can now add Top= to set [NowPlayingRight] sizer pixels from top:

v4.99.94 August 5th 2009
-fixes problems with starting netrelated video stream playback on Vista
-fixes << and >> play controls on Vista were not reacting to the click until the mouse was moved off the button
-skin load now install .otf fonts in skin in addition to already .fon and .ttf
-Clone skin now prompts when skin name exists to allow you to yes/no Overwrite an existing skin
-new skinnable style.css and header.htm file in eJukebox2Web folder. New option to enable custom style.css on 2Web options panel along with button to create the 2 default files and jump to the 2Web folder in explorer
-can add any files to eJukebox2Web folder and then reference it in the style.css or header.htm with this url "2Web/".
-ejukebox now repaints itself when you click EJ tray icon - fixes sometimes were unpainted interface areas on restore from windows tray
-now prevents eJukebox from stealing focus when you click on the windows taskbar menu item to restore a different program

v4.99.93 July 15th, 2009
-improved image handling performance
-fixes old lookup album images on display when no longer in db and online download fails it now removes the old image reference so that the newer high quality lookup automatically occurs the next time you play from the album
-new ability to skin the virtual keyboard

v4.99.92 July 15th, 2009
-fixed 'now playing' was blank/white on startup when internal player option checked
-can now optionally add a "songlistshadow.png" to your skin
-virtual Keyboard for SEARCH can now be dragged around the screen and has animated buttons and a faded neon edge
-carousel and albumlist visor png's are no longer hidden on SEARCH click/load of virtual keyboard
-now auto installs blank.gif to current skin on skin change to prevent artist list artifacts shown in IE8

v4.99.91 July 1st, 2009
-media files with "intro" in the file name now skip the 350K min size check during database setup
-doubled animation speed of PNG= buttons set in colors.ini
-fixed so loading PNG= buttons in colors.ini resizes the button on load
-improved << >> seek performance for streams
-removed flicker at the end of the now playing change animation
-new Kiosk Mode PRO option: Hide Album List Options, Pin, Close and Buttons Vol, Viz, Opt, Exp, Tools and only show the Kiosk Exit screen on top right corner click
-Kiosk Mode playlist MENU button option changed from Enable to Show so that un-checking option hides the button instead of only disabling the menu
-new ability to use any size png images for the 'now playing' stars
-optionally include a "nowstars" folder in your imagesskin folder with 0-10.png files like the images in the albumpop folder
-add optional imagesskinnowstarslayout.ini containing the following to set number of pixels from the top for the stars

What's New in v4.99.90 June 12th, 2009
-fixed songlist was shifting page position on right click
-greater flexibility when skinning eJukebox buttons. can now restyle eJukebox buttons with 2 PNGs and morph between the 2 for the highlight effect.
-under any of the style button {Headers} in colors.ini add PNG=yourimage.png
-when a yourimageHI.png is in skin folder yourimage.png will render 100% over the button and it will morph to the HI.png for the highlight animation. when there is no yourimageHI.png in the skin folder the PNG=yourimage.png will appear at 50% opacity and fluctuate opacity for the highlight animation.

-new skin menu item "Reload Colors" quickly reloads colors.ini edits only instead of the entire skin
-new ability to further skin eJukebox buttons in colors.ini with PNG images
-optional PNG images appear stretched OVER the original button with 50% opacity when the mouse is not over it.
when the mouse is over the button there is a new animation effect that fluctuates the PNG's opacity between 25% and 100%
-can now add the following under any of the style button {Headers} in colors.ini:
-note the PNG must be in your images skin folder. also the PNG should have some opacity near the middle otherwise it will cover the button text when fully highlighted.
*.896 - fixed so scrollbuttons and z button in artist a-z are able to use the new PNG= option in colors.ini
-removed scrollbutton tooltips

What's New in v4.99.89 June 5th, 2009
-performance tweaks
-fixed white flicker on bottom resize bar mouse up after moving
-mediaplayer now cleared when netrelated stream starts playing
-updated so windows taskbar button for ejukebox does not show up before ejukebox loaded or skin fully loaded on skin change
-fixed clicking up next cover so it works when current one clicked more than once
-made start videos in fullscreen for netrelated streams go full 5 seconds in rather than immediately so has time to start playing
-added skin optional [AlbumListPin] to colors.ini
-removed maximize effect from going fullscreen video

What's New in v4.99.88 - June 1st, 2009
-new display option for scroll buttons "Animate Page Up/Down"
-when option checked scroll button Click for page up/down now animates the length of the artistlist, songlist, or albumlist instead of moving to the new position instantaneously
-mouse cursor now moves to the left a few pixels when songlist or albumlist scroll buttons are clicked under the scrollslider - this prevents unintentional slider click when you click scrollbutton again to page up/down
-fixed songlist scroll slider was showing when netrelated off and albumlist open and autosized
-fixed cpu was sometimes getting stuck in the play album routine after clicking play icon next to album in the album list
-fixed albumlistbar Up Arrow was not showing

v4.99.87 - May 28th, 2009
-new option on viz button to switch netrelated stream playback between low bitrate and full quality w/prebuffer
-fixes hd netrelated streams would not start on some systems even after quicktime installed
-now starts full quality stream playback faster
-placed 1 second limit on up next and songlist transition animations
-menu on viz button now shows video dimensions of current stream
*updated 2:30pm EST -switching to low bitrate stream now stops the buffer of the full quality stream

v4.99.86 - May 20th, 2009
-new button "Update Drive Letter or Folder Path" on Database Update Manager under Clean/Refresh. instead of rebuilding this first locates any missing files then prompts you to mass update paths in the database to new ones. i.e. if your external drive letter changes this will let you update E:Music file paths in the database to G:Music and maintain all database field data.
-database rebuild/addnew now sets compilation flag when file pathname contains the word "compilation"
-fixed 'Remove Missing Files' was not removing entry from the database when the file path contained ' or []
-updated so directshow no longer re-initializes when NetRelated streams play back to back
-added default 1px bottom margin to NetRelated items
-now breaks words in NetRelated items so that stream titles always wrap and do not get clipped under the thumbnail image.
-database rebuild/addnew now sets compilation flag when file pathname contains the word "various"
-made "Update Drive Letter or Folder Path" on Clean/Refresh also update db.m3u with the new paths so that when you use 'add new files later' it won't add duplicates for the relocated files
*updated May 22st 6:12pm EST
-fixed NetRelated stream initialization was failing on some setups

v4.99.85 - May 14th, 2009
-improved hd stream and pre-buffer stability
-prevents missing image x icons showing for streams
-hd stream pre-buffer starting no longer causes the playing stream to skip
-mouse pointer is now hidden/moved to the right of the screen on video fullscreen
-video area position now recalculated on exit video fullscreen so video does not overlap now playing text
*updated .85 exe 3:30 pm ET May 15th, 2009
-can now resize top position Shelf3D in realtime by dragging the songlist header
*updated .85 exe 6:18 pm ET May 15th, 2009
-shelf3d images now always resize with shelf3d height change

v4.99.84 - May 8th, 2009
-artistlist x button now changes to <> and toggles shifting the artistlist left/right when screen resolution is 1280 or higher in width and the artistlist is visible.
-artistlist <> and widescreen toggle now also works when 1024 or 1152 screen width and EDV is off
-NetRelated now displays number of related results and More> button to load next 50 results
-video window now hidden when nowplaying right click menu open
-fixed white dot was showing to right of the songlist scrollbar
-fixed before you could see the edge of shelf3d on the right side when you were viewing http page
-fixed scroll button position on far right side of eJukebox so it doesn't overlap edv button
-fixed songlist header image was appearing before the songlist
-disabled right and left border so there is no longer unnecessary over effect and cursor change
-top right corner of ejukebox now displays rest of the Top.jpg instead of the right side border which now starts at the bottom of the top image
-optimized left and middle resizer border position so that top skin images can stitch together for at least the first 42 pixels in height

v4.99.83 - May 5th, 2009
-fixed video files were not staying fullscreen when you had them in the playlist back to back
-now will stay full even when a video file and video stream are back to back
-fixed video was not showing when return from minimize if playback begun when minimized
-fixed video area still showing when non video started when minimized while last was a video
-made shelf3d advanced options bg url box background color dark so its white text shows
-changed default shelf3d height to 250 instead of 300 pixels
-new ability on the edv button (to right of Search) now doubles for toggling the http:// browser between the songlist area and full eJukebox width
-fixed right click songlist play icon song/video preview was conflicting with playing hd stream
-display option 'animate/slide upnext and songlist transitions' now enabled by default

read about other recent updates in the previous thread HERE

Pirk - 5-6-2009 at 03:41 PM

Thanks Audiosoft.

dwperry - 5-7-2009 at 06:34 PM

Awesome Audiosoft- been following all the betas and eJukebox keeps getting better and better!

Can't wait to see what you come up with next!

Keep up the good work

Pirk - 5-9-2009 at 09:27 PM

Audiosoft, Thanks for eJ 4.99.84!

Just a little thing: since 4.99.83, each time I start eJ I get a black box around the Next button(?) This box disappear if I reload the skin..

Well_Jaggy - 5-13-2009 at 01:47 PM

Is there a way to disable the "you tube" look ups?

Audiosoft - 5-15-2009 at 12:32 AM

.85 is up!
Well_Jaggy, yes you can just click NetRelated at the bottom of the songlist to toggle off/on.

Audiosoft - 5-15-2009 at 07:56 PM

just updated the .85 exe
-can now resize top position Shelf3D in realtime by dragging the songlist header

Audiosoft - 5-20-2009 at 08:10 AM

.86 is up!

Audiosoft - 5-28-2009 at 05:01 AM

.87 is up!

Pirk - 5-29-2009 at 08:57 AM

Message original : Audiosoft
.87 is up!
-placed 1 second limit on up next and songlist transition animations

Thanks Audiosoft!
With this update I noticed the "white flash attack" now occurs on song transition animation on ALL the panels: nowplaying, upnext and songlist, the three together.. The white page remains a bit more long on the nowplaying panel. I don't know if it's related to the new time limits you placed on this version?
These white page effects are also superbly awful when you click on songs to add them to the playlist! :o I've turned off the upnext and songlist transitions..

Audiosoft - 5-29-2009 at 08:22 PM

seems good no white flashes here on XP...looking into it Pirk...
does it flash with ej remix or only your latest skin?
when you turn off the upnext/songlist transition option do the white flashes go away?

it always flashes white when you add songs to the playlist or only when it animates up next?

Pirk - 5-29-2009 at 09:19 PM

well well I'm sorry Audiosoft. I think you can forget my previous post!
I'm very confused.. because I've just turned on animations again then tried with your ej remix skin: no flash at all nowhere! Then I reloaded my latest crimson skin, and guess what? No more flash at all with my skin too!! The only change since my previous tests is I restarted my PC after 2 (small) windows updates.. but also my PC was running since a long time. Maybe the ram (3Gb) was too much full? saturated?
All seems OK now. The now playing animation works very good, then upnext, shelf3D and songlist animate perfectly, all is flowing freely!

Thanks a lot for your help, and sorry again for your time.

Audiosoft - 5-30-2009 at 12:23 AM

great glad it works Pirk!

Audiosoft - 5-31-2009 at 02:24 AM

Pirk actually I think the problem might happen after click a play album icon in the Album List. will be fixed in .88

Pirk - 6-1-2009 at 07:53 PM

ah OK thanks Audiosoft. note the album list was closed when the problem occured for me, and it is not happened again until now.

Audiosoft - 6-1-2009 at 10:49 PM

.88 is up! includes a new display option 'Animate Page Up/Down' that works when you click scroll buttons and will animate rather than moving instantaneously to the new page position.

Pirk - 6-2-2009 at 12:49 PM

Audiosoft, the new scrolling delays work good, good idea!
I noticed the come back of the albumlistbar Up Arrow button, but why it is smaller than before?
On the other hand the album list Pinned button, is still violet only! Why this button style is not skinnable?
And finally a small joke: the albumlist scroll down button works the wrong way! :D


Audiosoft - 6-2-2009 at 09:18 PM

forgot to mention ;) need to refresh the album list once with .88 ...until you refresh the Albumlist the scroll button click may not work the right way

Pirk, you can change the style # if you don't want that to show. its because the pin button is the only 'checkbox' on the bar and the options panel uses the same style checkbox buttons.

Pirk - 6-3-2009 at 01:08 PM

ahh ok Audiosoft.. thank you for giving me further information !

Pirk - 6-3-2009 at 07:59 PM

Message original : Audiosoft
Pirk, you can change the style # if you don't want that to show. its because the pin button is the only 'checkbox' on the bar and the options panel uses the same style checkbox buttons.

what a shame this checkbox style for the pin button can't be skinned separately, because this style is the better one.. You will agree that the other eJukebox "system" buttons are a bit outdated!

Audiosoft - 6-3-2009 at 08:09 PM

Pirk how about this? when it is style 14 will make the pin be different style but still get the colors from colors.ini
or could add optional colors.ini settings for just the pin

Pirk - 6-3-2009 at 08:21 PM

I would be glad if you can add optional colors.ini settings for just the pin if possible.. Thanks.

Audiosoft - 6-3-2009 at 08:30 PM

yeah its no problem just added for .89 will accept this in colors.ini:


Pirk - 6-3-2009 at 08:39 PM

Great Audiosoft! Thanks a lot.

My colors.ini is ready.. ;)

Audiosoft - 6-5-2009 at 09:33 PM

.89 is up

Pirk - 6-6-2009 at 10:08 AM

Audiosoft, Thanks for .89
I'm testing [AlbumListPin] in colors.ini, but it seems it's not working.. I still get the violet button when my album list is Pinned! Here is my settings in colors.ini:


Audiosoft - 6-6-2009 at 11:07 PM

Pirk, style 14 will always turn blue when it is the pinned pin. the idea was to use a different style # for the pin and keep 14 for the rest of the albumlistbar.

Pirk - 6-7-2009 at 10:20 AM

Audiosoft, oh.. well sorry, it seems I misunderstood what it will be possible to really do with the new option. In fact I would like to change the pinned pin Color at least if style 14 is impossible, not the style of the "unpinned" pin button. Because like I said before the other styles are not so good than #14.
So actually it's impossible we keep style 14 for the pin button and have another color than blue-violet for the pinned pin? Perhaps your first idea was better to get that?

Pirk how about this? when it is style 14 will make the pin be different style but still get the colors from colors.ini

Why couldn't we have the (green) options in colors.ini?



its because the pin button is the only 'checkbox' on the bar and the options panel uses the same style checkbox buttons

Maybe another solution would be to not use a 'checkbox' but just a normal button instead? Selected button color would be used for the pinned state.. and perhaps we could even have a different style for the pinned pin! All working like the Main Buttons.. Easy! :D

Audiosoft - 6-10-2009 at 12:19 AM

v4.99.895 is up!
-new skin menu item "Reload Colors" quickly reloads colors.ini edits only instead of the entire skin
-new ability to further skin eJukebox buttons in colors.ini with PNG images!
-optional PNG images appear stretched OVER the original button with 50% opacity when the mouse is not over it.
when the mouse is over the button there is a new animation effect that fluctuates the PNG's opacity between 25% and 100%
-can now add the following under any of the style button {Headers} in colors.ini:
-note the PNG must be in your imagesskin folder. also the PNG should have some opacity near the middle otherwise it will cover the button text when fully highlighted.

This one works pretty good for the az bar...


Pirk - 6-10-2009 at 09:45 AM

Woah!!!! Audiosoft, you are a magician! :D superb effect, the pulsating buttons animation is surprising.. well done! Thanks a lot.

Audiosoft - 6-10-2009 at 09:46 AM

inspired by the windows 7 taskbar and your need for a better album list pin! :o with different pngs we should be able to pull off some nice style effects for the buttons. btw there are 2 more under skin development notes

Pirk - 6-10-2009 at 09:56 AM

yeah thanks I'll try to put a png over the pin button. not tried windows 7 yet.. all my hard drives already have a system!

Audiosoft - 6-10-2009 at 10:00 AM

still prefer XP but those new glowing taskbar buttons are not bad! ;)
win7 buttons somehow change the glow related to the mouse position on the button. ej not that complicated but these new PNG= can be just as good and help ej button styles -without needing individual pngs for each button caption.

Pirk - 6-10-2009 at 10:19 AM

very interesting indeed, so in eJ the PNG is automatically resized to the button size?

Audiosoft - 6-10-2009 at 10:21 AM

yes re-sized so the source image can be any size/shape and it will scale it to the same size/shape as the button. that way can use same png for different sized buttons.

Pirk have fun playing around with the new button pngs. let me know if you come up with any new ones. going to get some rest now. will post more pngs and will be working on virtual keyboard buttons later

Pirk - 6-10-2009 at 10:46 AM

just tried the effect on other buttons. it works! but it's less spectacular than the artistlist buttons. I'll try to make a new png for the albumlist bar, or maybe just change the color of my buttons.. Thanks again.

PS: The 'Reload Colors' option is welcome.. it's very handy! :)

Pirk - 6-10-2009 at 11:09 AM

otherwise I'm still working on the songlist.. it's a attempt for my own magic effect!

Audiosoft - 6-10-2009 at 09:36 PM

Pirk your songlist is looking great! :o
BTW if you grayscale/desaturate that button png the original button colors in the ini should show through instead of the purple tint so can reuses the same png if you like the shape. right now for ej remix only using the purple for the artistlist x and > buttons and grayed png for the a-z.

Pirk - 6-10-2009 at 09:51 PM

Audiosoft thanks for the tip! Here is what I get until now concerning the new buttons.. :)
Finally I managed to get ride of the violet pinned pin! still need some work on my "now playing" song visor.. but indeed I think the "add to playlist" visor starts to work. Thanks.

Audiosoft - 6-11-2009 at 06:51 PM

nice Pirk! .896 is up and fixes Z and so scrollbuttons can use PNG=
...and here is a square one with black around the outside for different effect

also for quality the closer the png is in aspect to what the button is the better.

Pirk - 6-11-2009 at 09:31 PM

Thanks Audiosoft.

Audiosoft - 6-12-2009 at 05:36 AM

v4.99.90 is up!

Pirk - 6-12-2009 at 10:33 AM

Glad you fixed the page shifting.. it's working perfectly now! A second PNG for the buttons? Thanks much!

Pirk - 6-12-2009 at 07:44 PM

Here is what I managed to get with the new gelbuttons:

Pirk - 6-12-2009 at 08:37 PM

I tried to improve the buttons integration..

Pirk - 6-12-2009 at 09:42 PM

Easy! :D well..

Audiosoft - 7-1-2009 at 05:01 AM

v4.99.91 is up

Pirk - 7-1-2009 at 01:48 PM

Thanks Audiosoft. It works good! ;)

Pirk - 7-1-2009 at 06:23 PM

big stars.. :D

Pirk - 7-1-2009 at 06:29 PM

.. the song change scrolling effect is now looking wonderful with these new PNG stars! :o not visible on the screenshot..

Pirk - 7-1-2009 at 07:58 PM

many skinning possibilities.. :)

Pirk - 7-1-2009 at 08:14 PM

artist names are always scrolling in the background, of course.. :cool:

Audiosoft - 7-1-2009 at 08:25 PM

yes looking good Pirk! much better because no longer have to match editstarback.jpg to the np1.jpg backgrounds...
using nowstars 0-10.png's instead has allot more flexibility!

Pirk - 7-1-2009 at 08:30 PM

Thanks Audiosoft, nice piece of software! :cool:

Pirk - 7-4-2009 at 08:18 PM


Pirk - 7-4-2009 at 08:38 PM


Audiosoft - 7-15-2009 at 10:25 AM

.92 is up!

Pirk - 7-15-2009 at 12:12 PM

Thanks Audiosoft. Nice neon on the virtual keyboard.. this time you don't went with the back of the spoon! :D
Could you desactivate the neon when eJ is not focused? Can we edit this neon PNG for non-blue skins? and also how to change the keys flashing color? Thanks.

Audiosoft - 7-15-2009 at 09:21 PM

Thanks Pirk i got the first part fixed so other windows can go on top of keyboard png. will try to make the keyboard elements skinable then will post the updated exe.

Audiosoft - 7-16-2009 at 05:29 AM

v.93 is up! can now skin everything for the Keyboard!

Pirk - 7-16-2009 at 03:54 PM

Great! Thank you very much.

But it seems my own keyboard.png is not loaded at all from my skin folder: I always get the blue neon! same for keyboardbutton.png and keyboardbuttonHI.png. only keyboardbg.jpg can be changed.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
Otherwise is there a way to have the keyboard show up like in eJ 4.99.91? I mean without the PNG overlay effects until I can produce "better" ones for my skin..

Audiosoft - 7-16-2009 at 07:56 PM

Thanks Pirk....might change the blue. want to make the default keyboard better for all the skins without keyboard elements yet

just updated the .93 exe download. your skins keyboard.png should now appear on "Reload Colors"

RE: for keyboardbutton.png and keyboardbuttonHI.png
-make sure you have these in your skins colors.ini if you want to change keyboard buttons from default:


btw Background=4210752 Style=14 and PNG= blank was the old default

Pirk - 7-16-2009 at 09:00 PM

Thanks Audiosoft. I will try all that!

Fishy - 7-24-2009 at 04:39 PM

Audiosoft, I have slight problems with the latest beta. Was anything changed in the winamp communication routines?

Winamp tends to crash (no error message, just the program has malfunctioned and an option to close the program) when I switch mp3's in this revision. I just started using the beta so I will get back to you if this problem continues. I will try to reinstall winamp if the problem proves to be persistent.

Since nobody else has reported back on this problem, it is probably a local problem at my computer.

Audiosoft - 8-5-2009 at 06:34 PM

.94 is up!

Pirk - 8-5-2009 at 08:20 PM

Great Audiosoft! I'm glad you fixed these small annoyances with Vista..
I hope eJukebox will run as good on Windows 7 than on Vista? Because I already reserved my copy (costing only "49 Euros" on Microsoft special offer). You know, the European version without any web browser included, thanks to the Norwegians!
Maybe someone already tried eJ on win7?


Audiosoft - 8-7-2009 at 01:46 AM

Pirk, I tested eJukebox on Windows 7 RC about a month about and it worked great! Was worried would need to run EJ in VirtualXP but it ran fine under native Win7!

Fishy - 8-7-2009 at 03:42 PM

Pirk, Opera :D

Pirk - 8-7-2009 at 11:41 PM

Audiosoft, thanks for your test of eJ on win7. Perfect if it works good!

Fishy, you'll laugh but recently I tried Opera again: much development since 5 years ago! :D

Fishy - 8-8-2009 at 04:42 PM

Use Firefox myself. So much for patriotism :)

Audiosoft - 8-18-2009 at 10:00 PM

.95 is up!

Pirk - 8-19-2009 at 06:22 PM

Audiosoft, where is gone the left border?
Thanks for this update.

edit: well it's OK, I edited my colors.ini.

Audiosoft - 8-19-2009 at 08:09 PM

Thanks Pirk, updated the exes and fixed the left border so old skins look like they used to.

Pirk - 8-19-2009 at 10:46 PM

I used some of the new skinning features: Here

Audiosoft - 9-3-2009 at 07:51 PM

.96 is up

Audiosoft - 9-16-2009 at 05:19 AM

Updated .97 is Up

Yogui - 9-16-2009 at 11:14 AM

Is it me or the DB needs to be rebuild after updating ejukebox.exe (via overwrite) every time... :(

Audiosoft - 9-16-2009 at 07:25 PM


You should not need to rebuild the database after overwriting the ejukebox.exe. Might need to right click and run it as administrator.

Yogui - 9-17-2009 at 10:35 AM

Thanks for the reply audiosoft.

I haven't try it much. It also could be restoring a Norton Ghost Image of my OS n Programs drive.

If I'm able to reproduce it I'll post it... :P


Fishy - 9-18-2009 at 04:22 PM

Audiosoft, thanks for the auto complete function :) It works pretty much like I want it to.


Audiosoft - 9-20-2009 at 12:57 AM

No problem Fishy glad you like it. Open to any suggestions for improvement.

.97 exe just updated again check first post for changes

Pirk - 9-21-2009 at 11:42 AM


Thanks for .97 update. working good, excepted the now playing song change anim: sometimes there are some white flashs over the now playing panel on the right side, during a few seconds at the begining of the song change anim. A kind of "large white flashing square", even overlapping the artist list!
The strange thing is this artifact not occurs all the time. when I want to reproduce it by changing the np song, it doesn't occur anymore! but suddenly it's occurring again.. I don't know why? And of course since I posted this message it's not occuring anymore.. :D until when?

... Ahh, once more.. just occured again!!

unfortunately it's not "screenshotable": I took this capture during the (ghostly) artifacts, but you can only see my recent new artist list! :)

Audiosoft - 9-24-2009 at 06:59 AM

Pirk, give the .98 exe a try and let me know...
it should get rid of 'now playing' animation flickering for good plus show more fps than .97!

Pirk - 9-24-2009 at 07:09 PM

Audiosoft, I think you fixed it: Artifacts in the now playing animation are totally gone! Thanks a lot.

All animations are flowing freely, at least when the albumlist is closed. It just remains a brief "white flash" in the songlist when my long albumlist is open, but it seems it's shorter than before.

Audiosoft - 9-30-2009 at 02:12 AM

.982 is up!

CiXel - 9-30-2009 at 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Audiosoft
.982 is up!

.982 is super so far
Nice job

Yogui - 10-1-2009 at 10:50 PM


I'm ussing eJukebox v4.99.98 in Win 7 7600 RTM 64bit.

After a few weeks of use:

The Good:
Performance from WinXp 32 is a LOT better!
Specially when loading...
I'm not sure if eJukevox uses Internet Explorer 64Bit built-in.

The Bad:
Some how the Keyboard Shortcuts works for a while and then stop.
The flag/checkbox:
Options>Other>"Disable Keyboard Shortcuts"
which I allways have uncheck (so I use the shortcuts)
Still UnCheck and if I Check and then UnCheck it again the Keyboard Shortcuts work for a while...

UAC is Disabled and I don't know if Win7 may have a security setting to adjust or what it could be.

BTW: I got this Win7 from:


Fishy - 10-2-2009 at 05:35 PM

Audiosoft, why not add some arrows in the homeview to the top albums as well? I actually think this could be the most interesting part of popularity stats. Maybe due to the fact that they are hidden from me in the homeview. We will only know if you implement this ;)


Audiosoft - 10-7-2009 at 06:48 AM

.984 is up!

Yogui - 10-7-2009 at 09:42 AM

Seems like the problem I've mentioned before...

"...the Keyboard Shortcuts works for a while and then stop..."

Happens when Control+A is used to show Next Autoplay song a few times.

Could someone else confirm this in Win7 64Bit RTM 7600?

PD: I also have other programs with global hotkeys running.
But in Win XP32 I don't have this problem :(

Audiosoft - 10-7-2009 at 09:57 AM


Most shortcuts need eJukebox to have they work again when you click inside ejukebox? if not there is could be another app that is stealing the keys before ejukebox can see them

Yogui - 10-7-2009 at 12:22 PM

Hi eJukebox,

eJukebox player is always active.

I've tried using Right Control and seems a bit better, but:

Usually after 5 to 10 Next (Control+A) presses the Control or Shift Keys get Stuck and/or eJukebox Stops responding to ShortCuts even after free up the keys by physically pressing them.

Is there a way to re-register eJukebox Hotkeys via command line or code?

CiXel - 10-7-2009 at 02:33 PM


-made ejukebox check if last startup was successful and if not it now resets the start up file path as the last track is probably causing an error in directshow preventing ejukebox from starting

Ahhh... that's a great failsafe. I know I've had that bite me which would require me to wipe the DB and start over.

Audiosoft - 10-7-2009 at 10:35 PM


They should just work from start to exit if you leave the keyboard shortcut option alone. if it is only a problem when not using physical keyboard then make sure your key sender is sending both key down and key up

Audiosoft - 10-9-2009 at 04:42 AM

.985 is up

Pirk - 10-9-2009 at 11:59 AM

Audiosoft, Thanks! Roll on the Songlist carousel: The foreground clapboard icon would be linked to net related videos!

CiXel - 10-12-2009 at 06:23 PM

Wait a minute Pirk-
Are those 4 across Large Album covers :o

Audiosoft - 10-12-2009 at 07:31 PM


Must be Medium just looks large because of the png borders around the albums in Pirk's skin. Thanks for bringing this up. Next version will switch Large to be 4 per row. Just have to reduce large by a few pixels and they will fit.

Pirk - 10-12-2009 at 07:36 PM

CiXel, hope you like the style of my skin!? otherwise well no it's only Medium covers. But.. I'm sure that Audiosoft will allow 4 large across album covers soon! :)

CiXel - 10-12-2009 at 07:44 PM

Originally posted by Audiosoft
Thanks for bringing this up. Next version will switch Large to be 4 per row. Just have to reduce large by a few pixels and they will fit.



posted on 7-26-2006 at 10:16 PM
Large Covers-4 across
It looks like there is room to do Large album covers 4 across if i don't make my Now Playing image larger. Can we add this as an option in the Album options?

CiXel - 10-12-2009 at 07:54 PM

Originally posted by Pirk
CiXel, hope you like the style of my skin!? otherwise well no it's only Medium covers. But.. I'm sure that Audiosoft will allow 4 large across album covers soon! :)

I like a lot of the elements of your skin Pirk, but I'm curious how it's going to be 'in action'. It looks a little busy even just from the screen shots ;) Some seriously great work though. I'm always interested in what you come up with.

Between V8, and AS's New silver skin, you guys may have me retiring the old Artic skin after all =)

Pirk - 10-12-2009 at 08:33 PM

Message original : CiXel
Between V8, and AS's New silver skin, you guys may have me retiring the old Artic skin after all =)

Thanks CiXel. much experiments in my skin indeed.. maybe I'm a kind of "Dr. Mabuse"! ;)
But Audiosoft is the Heart of eJukebox. And the Arctic skin is its (Lost) Soul.. :D

Fishy - 10-15-2009 at 10:16 PM

Audiosoft, thanks for implementing arrows and numbers to "top albums".

Talking about the homeview, just noticed that it is not possible to resize the shelf in that window, but everywhere else in the program? With purpose or by oversight? :)

In addition, could it be possible to let the homeview stretch out and fill its frame? Right now, the elements are centered and I wonder if it would look better if you let it stretch out to the available space to the left and right? Might make things look a little less cluttered.

Also, I think it could be nice with some more statistics, in addition to "unique songs played today" and "songs in database". The only one I can come up with right now is "number of albums in your database", but I am sure others have more original suggestions.

I am sure there are other things that could be done to improve the homeview and hope others have suggestions for this as well. I think there is an old thread around here somewhere, which had some interesting suggestions?

Maybe the homeview could illustrate, or link to, the newest albums added to the collection?

Audiosoft - 10-16-2009 at 12:08 PM

.986 is up! Thanks for the suggestions Fishy

CiXel - 10-16-2009 at 02:31 PM

So I have a bit of a resizing issue, that may just be a RTFM moment, but I haven't come across it until this release (granted, I haven't resized my windows in years)

To make room for the 4 large covers I resized my Left Panel using the sliders, but my right panel remains the same size. Hitting 'Maximize' keeps the right panel at the same size, but expands the left panel. How do I resize the right panel?

(On a side note adding a <-> handle to the right side window might be helpful)

Audiosoft - 10-16-2009 at 04:37 PM

CiXel, click the EDV button near the TOP RIGHT CORNER (under min, max, x)
That will switch the right side between regular and extended width.

Fishy - 10-16-2009 at 04:41 PM

Thank you for your support Audiosoft.

Can not express how much I love the auto complete function. Suddenly most of the searching is carried out with about three letters and then enter. Great feature for lazy people.
The only thing that it lacks is autocomplete for songs, but it would probably be too cpu intensive and result in too many suggestions anyway.

The latest additions are fine. Did you try to increase the width of the homeview as well? Maybe it gets to close to the artistlist and scrollbars? Difficult to say without seeing it in action.

CiXel - 10-16-2009 at 07:19 PM

Originally posted by Audiosoft
CiXel, click the EDV button near the TOP RIGHT CORNER (under min, max, x)
That will switch the right side between regular and extended width.

Ahhhh... the wee Arrow. I forgot about EDV. Sweet 4 across. Super!

Pirk - 10-16-2009 at 08:30 PM

Audiosoft, Thanks a lot for this update: All is loaded much faster than before, the album list in particular. Perfection is not far!
However eJ still crashs when a very large albumlist is loaded including artist names and max skinning.. OK I agree that I'm a heavy tester! Bug reported HERE..

Audiosoft - 10-19-2009 at 12:42 PM

.987 is up!

Fishy - 10-19-2009 at 01:17 PM

Audiosoft, could it be an idea to have ejukebox settings as a separate window in the gui? Like it currently works with for instance the list builder. The reason I have for suggesting this, is that ejukebox now have pretty many options (still growing) and these are located at a very limited space (i.e. results in a lot of scrolling) and visual searching for the correct options.

For me it is not that important, but for new users it may be easier to get an overview and find different option parameters if they are located in a larger movable, resizeable window with seperated tabs for the different parts of the program (display, play mode etc.) either vertically or horizontally.

CiXel - 10-19-2009 at 03:08 PM

Originally posted by Audiosoft
.987 is up!

.987 shows a blank (white) up next screen upon bootup until currently playing song has finished and advances. Not a problem on the previous version.

Audiosoft - 10-19-2009 at 03:27 PM

thanks just updated the exe ~fixes blank up next

Audiosoft - 10-19-2009 at 11:32 PM

updated .987 exe again
-fixed fade in on startup was not working
-new Display tab option "Show in Taskbar". Can now have always taskbar, taskbar and tray when minimized, or always EJ tray icon and no taskbar
-fixed superedv.jpg from previous skin was being used when switched to a skin without the file.

CiXel - 10-20-2009 at 12:12 AM

Originally posted by Audiosoft
updated .987 exe again
-fixed superedv.jpg from previous skin was being used when switched to a skin without the file.

Blank 'up next' Fixed. Thanks