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Popularity statistics
Fishy - 2-5-2010 at 11:07 PM

Audiosoft, the popularity statistics currently works quite straightforward. When a person clicks a song intentionally it counts. Pure frequencies.

It would be interesting if it was possible to make it more 'multivariate' and some weights were introduced. For instance, if ejukebox could take the amount of songs in an album into account when determining the popularity of a album. As it is now an album could become very 'popular' because it contains a lot of songs. If I put that album on a few times it will sure make it into the list. Maybe it is possible to use it for songs as well in some way I have not thought of.

I am aware that this would mean that some pretty complex variables would need to be introduced. I am just curious if you have some reflections or maybe even code sollutions for this :)

Audiosoft - 2-6-2010 at 04:42 AM

thanks for the suggestion Fishy. I will look over the album popularity code and see if there is any way to divide it some way by the number of songs. also will try to get the Repeat function added.