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Missing Files
sidartha - 12-2-2003 at 12:33 AM

My MP3 directory has 16,850 songs, but eJukebox shows 16,739. I realize that the 111 difference is duplicate files (same song, different album).

After some research, I found that the files that are missing are "smaller" in size and shorter in length than the ones that EJ added to the database.

Is there a "minimum" size of a file that can be added? Is there any way to change this?


junk - 12-2-2003 at 02:12 PM

i believe songs around 250 kb and below are omitted. Doesn't do anything for me, but if i had a lot of damaged, or extremely low quality mp3's hanging about on my HD, i'd be glad for this.

sidartha - 12-2-2003 at 09:57 PM

The small files I have are sound clips and sound effects.

Is there a way to have eJukebox add them?

Audiosoft - 12-2-2003 at 10:29 PM


The small files I have are sound clips and sound effects.

This is the reason file under 350K are not automatically added during database building. Because they tend to be sound effects from games, etc.

If you want to add these files to them in Winamp while eJukebox is running and they will get added to eJukebox.