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Cannot see the images in the carrousel or shell3d
Fernando_ecamp - 3-26-2008 at 04:56 AM

I have installed first version 4.90 and was not able to see the pics in the carrousel, however I see the pics on the albums. I installed adobe flash 9.xx and still donīt see it. Then I tried version 5 beta 12. and still donīt see the 3d images.

Anyone knows what I might be setting wrong?

I tried 2 diferent PCs and same thing.



Audiosoft - 3-26-2008 at 05:19 AM

What shows up in the carousel/shelf3d area? Blank images...broken image icons or nothing at all? Did you try restarting eJukebox after loading the album list and seeing if they showed up in the carousel/shelf3d after that?

Fernando_ecamp - 3-27-2008 at 08:52 PM

I tried many things. last i change resolution to 600x800 and rebuild database. Now there are some covers that are showing. still seems very erratic, not sure why not all of them are loaded. Is the only requirement for the pics of the cover be displayed in the interface that the name of the jpg files matches de Album folder name? or there is any other requierement?