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Using GRADIENTS in .dis files (Screenshot)
Audiosoft - 5-28-2005 at 07:22 AM

.DIS files are CSS files that specify how some objects are displayed in eJukebox. An advanced feature of CSS is that you can set Filters on the display elements. A full list of filters can be found < Here > (Only the entries under FILTERS). An IE5.5 and up Filter DEMO with some of the posibilitys can be found < Here >

The most useful filter for eJukebox might be it allows you skip making graphics for some of the elements in an eJukebox skin and instead put in perfectly stretched horizontal or vertical gradients.< Gradient Usage >


.title {

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled='true', startColorstr=lightblue, endColorstr=#F1F5FE, GradientType=0);


You can change the startColorstr and endColorstr as well as the GraidentType=0 or 1 for horizontal or vertical graidents.

You can also add 2 digits to the start of the HEX color to set how much the gradient fades with the background.

#FF0000 = normal red
#00FF0000 = all background shown
#55FF0000 = faded 1/2 background - 1/2 red
#99FF0000 = all red gradient shown

Just be carefull as using this technique can effect performance when allot of elements in the display get the effect applied. See that the.dis file doesn't make the display respond to slowly.

Below is Screenshot of an artistlist.dis using a gradient background and an ALPHA filter to make the text fade out on the right side - plus a songlist.dis with album art tiled in the background and a gradient overlayed over it - along with gradients behind the play now icons, album name with image, and the title highlight.

If anyone wants to mess with the new songlist.dis or artistlist.dis i made let me know and I will post it...I will be including it with the next official ejukebox release in skin form.


Pirk - 5-28-2005 at 09:24 AM

Ah good, it's still interesting for bad graphic artists like me! But don't these filters slow down to much the display?


Audiosoft - 5-28-2005 at 09:27 AM

RE: don't these filters slow down to much the display?

Good question...

I think it might actually be faster when using gradients instead of graphics in the .dis files. The other filters like Alpha you have to watch out for as they seem to make the display less responsive. Use all filters in moderation.

Pirk - 5-28-2005 at 10:31 AM

Message original : Audiosoft
If anyone wants to mess with the new songlist.dis or artistlist.dis i made let me know and I will post it...I will be including it with the next official ejukebox release in skin form.

I'm interested... I still like to mess with the songlist and the artistlist occasionally, even if at the moment I'm focused on the nowplaying panel:
I dream of a laaaaarge cover art in it... :o
Have you made progress in the nowplaying panel?
Can we hope to enjoy with large cover arts in the player panel from the next eJukebox release?
