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Blueberry Skin
Audiosoft - 7-24-2009 at 04:55 AM

Here is a new skin code named Blueberry. After a few more tweaks it will probably become the 5.0 default skin. Let me know what you think!
If anyone has suggestions or comes up with updated graphics-settings after tweaking your copy please share them in this thread. :)

This skin includes most of the new PNG elements. This skin requires eJukebox v4.99.93+. Make sure you have v4.99.93 or newer. If not and you already ran the full installer you can grab the .93 ejukebox.exe HERE

To install this skin Save to and load from Tools->Skin ->Blueberry

*Updated July 25th - improved artist list

Audiosoft - 7-24-2009 at 04:55 AM

Here is a screenshot of Blueberry. As always feel free to use the Tools menu to Clone this skin to a new skin name, edit and Post a new OR share individual image/settings file tweaks in here.

Fishy - 7-24-2009 at 04:51 PM

Wonderful. I can almost taste the berries :D

The first thing that occured to me is that the blue-color in the artistlist is a little drastic and screaming. The attention is drawn towards the wrong place so to say. Is it possible to tone it down a little.

Also, more a suggestion for improvements of the playlist, does it look a little weird that the small coverimages are repeated across the same album? Would it be sufficient to display them once for songs belonging to the same album? Also is it possible to make them slightly larger? :) Thanks.

Audiosoft - 7-24-2009 at 09:37 PM

Thanks for the suggestions Fishy! Updated the download in the first post to tone down the artist list. :D

Pirk - 7-26-2009 at 11:03 AM

Thanks for this blue skin Audiosoft. Looking good! I like much the jukebox in the playlist area, the songlist scrolling buttons, the new texture in the home view, and the main bandeau in particular. I also like the blue bubble effect, the only drawback is it's a bit repetitive (same problem with my own skin..)