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Running eJukebox with Windows Longhorn???
jevangelho - 12-3-2003 at 08:16 AM

Just a quick question: Are there any tweaks that can be made to 3.6 to enable it to work with the Windows Longhorn 4051 build? (Yes, I have tried running it in compatibility mode for XP with no luck.) I get a corrupted database message and a request to reinstall eJukebox.

If ANYONE has a way to make this brilliant program run with Longhorn, please post here.

Thanks so much.

Audiosoft - 12-3-2003 at 02:22 PM

Here is a little quote from a news article on Longhorn....


"It's not a ready product," he said from Malaysia. "Even if it works for a while, I think it's very risky," to install on a home computer, he said. Chairman Bill Gates has said Longhorn, which is not expected to be released before 2005, would rank as Microsoft's largest software launch this decade

Rest assured eJukebox will work on the final version (and probally future betas) of Longhorn. As soon as an Official Beta is released we will make any necessary modification to eJukebox to ensure this.

jevangelho - 12-3-2003 at 04:45 PM

Thanks for the info. I just couldn't resist installing it and wanted to see how smoothly the 'juke would perform on it. And don't worry....I'm installing XP as a backup ;-)

jhlurie - 12-4-2003 at 05:18 AM

Does Winamp even work on that build of Longhorn?