I was just thinking last night that it'd be kinda cool to have a mode to play all albums that have X song picks total. Treat it kinda like a CD Changer, it skips to an Album, then plays the songs in order. Picks another album when that one is done. Don't know how possible it would be or if it'd be worth the trouble but it'd be pretty fun.
A popularity mode for Albums? Great idea Let's hope they'll include it in a future version!
Hm, it sounds like a fun idea... but i don't know how much i'd use it. But ... if it still could be easy to skip to the next album (for
instance, if the album it selected was not the right mood), it could be quite interesting.
I'm trying to imagine a way for this to be practical... the first thing that springs to mind, would be a checkbox in the custom/popular/hybrid
mode: "Play entire album".
sorry to go off topic, but you mentioned "the right mood". That reminded me of a question I had... Is it just me or is there no way to play only songs/albums by a certain genre. I know you can list all the songs in a genre, but can you limit the random playing of them to only a genre?
Hmm.. I know this was a question to Junk, but he is going to say the same thing, so I though I might just as well answer it :b. To play songs by genre you choose custom mode in the play settings, then you choose presets and play genre..
Hehe, i would have said the same thing, thanks for saving me the effort, Fishy.
we'll i'll be darned. that's awesome! been using eJukebox for a few months now and never noticed that feature tucked away. Thanks to both of you!
Well, this would go along with an earlier suggestion I made to be able to rate other defining "objects" like Artists and Albums (figures, which due to their multiple nature couldn't be kept in the MP3 files, but instead in a central file).