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New Version 3.80 - Dragging compilation albums onto the playlist
blackcat - 5-2-2004 at 10:17 AM

Firstly I'd just like to thank Audiosoft for a fantastic piece of software and fantastic support in these forums. I'm looking forward to the new skins that will hopefully start to appear in these forums.

I have a slight problem with the new feature in 3.80 to drap albums directly onto the playlist. The feature seems to work for most of my albums, but for some of my compilation albums I only get 1 song transferred onto the playlist (see attached image). However, other compilation albums seem to work fine.

Maybe this has something to do with my tags, maybe to do with captalisation issues? Any thoughts?

Fishy - 5-2-2004 at 04:21 PM

This seems to happen with albums with "&" like simon & Garfunkle for instance. Works fine if one drags the artistname, but displayes one song like you describe if one drags one of their albums.

I love this new function in general though ;)

jhlurie - 5-2-2004 at 04:35 PM

Question: Do we think that multi-select from the songlist may be a logical next step?

Obviously since song selection is normally single-click some key combination would have to be used. Like maybe holding down the CTRL key and THEN clicking on songs from the songlist. Then, while they are all highlit as "selected" they could be draggible to the songlist.

Does this function make sense and/or interfere with any existing assignment of eJ keys?

Pirk - 5-2-2004 at 04:37 PM

Yes, the new dragging function is really magnificent! I love it!

Thank you very much Audiosoft for all these good things... :)

Jhlurie, your idea is very good... i also wait for something like that!

jhlurie - 5-2-2004 at 04:39 PM

By the way, the droppability of multiple songs from Windows Explorer is a godsend. My suggestion given above is kind of a way to do the same from within the eJukebox songlist, besides the ones already grouped as albums I mean.

Fishy - 5-2-2004 at 04:55 PM

Jhlurie: It's a good idea. I also welcome the "show next song display when songs in playlist" function :). It took me all by surprise, really. Didn't see its return was mentioned at the download page. Good to have it back anyhow!