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Video Position broken - Fixed v5.06
Dyno Don - 3-22-2010 at 02:46 PM

Your new option of "Video Position" in the sound section is great! It frees us from winamp and we can run videos on monitor two any way we want.
But it is kind of broken. Usually on the first build the Position Box appears when you click the button, but soon after it doesn't. Just nothing happens. No popup no reaction. The button is there, it just does nothing.
Fortunately years of ej exerience :) taught me to go to the .ini.
Yes there is a section for full screen (if you ever got it to run even once) you can change the numbers there and it works fine, I have a small text file with the ini section I need to enable the full screen.

While trying to fix the covers issue (see previous post) I had to rebuild a pc and ej numerous times. Every time the box wouldn't show or would show only once then never again.
I have a workaround, but you should know there is a problem.

Maybe to do with some recent MS update?



Audiosoft - 3-22-2010 at 09:25 PM

Thank you Don!
The video position dialog was missing from v5.05.
I have added it back in for the next update.

Dyno Don - 3-22-2010 at 09:35 PM

That makes sense. I have both 5.03 and 05 here. It probably worked until I upped to 05.
