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Popularity Lost after Database Rebuild
bnylin - 6-16-2003 at 05:46 AM

When doing a Database Rebuild with v3.23, all Popularity data was gone upon completion. Fortunately, I kept a backup and restored everything. Isn't a rebuild supposed to restore popularity stats?

bnylin - 7-19-2003 at 06:29 PM

:( Instead of a full db rebuild, I tried deleting one album from eJukebox using "Delete Folder from eJukebox". Sure enough, the album no longer appeared but the files were still in their proper place. HOWEVER, when I tried to Update Database / Add New Music Files... and specified that folder, eJukebox DOES NOT find any. I had to rename the folder to get it added back in, HOWEVER, the popularity stats are gone. It was a Top 5 album, so I know this for sure!

HELP! All I did was remove the eJukebox entries, move the files to a different folder name, and re-add them. I had been assured in previous postings that this would NOT affect popularity data, but it does.

(Also, shouldn't deleting a file from eJukebox and then re-scanning for new files in that folder add it back in? It seems that a "deleted" file becomes invisible after it was once in the program!)