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CaPiTilIzAtIoN, album refresh and Screen Reslolution
cbsoundman - 7-15-2004 at 07:07 PM

1.) Is there any way I can keep EJukebox from breaking (fixing) my capitilization when searching for new songs. It would be great if there was a check box before you went off and checked for new files. I know it has been mentioned before but, I do not think it has been implemented.

2.) My 3300+ albums take forever to refresh the first time you hit that buttton. I want to see them all. I was wondering if there were any tips on making this go smoother. I am waiting over an hour, now. And I should have enough horsepower on the machine and it is all up to date (Win XP).

3.) Is there any way to support more screen reslolutions? Mine is 1400x1050 and the full screen needs to go down one. When I pull it out of full screen, it leaves the machine at that screen res...not fun but I can live with it.

4.) This might be way off but, are there any plans to have the lyrics looked up automatically and applied to a tag? Just something I thought might be nice.

Audiosoft: I love the changes that I have seen made with this product over the course of its revisions. I especially like the skinning and support for tourch screens (though mine is not on one....yet). Thank you for making a great program and being receptive to the users using it.

Mutombo - 7-18-2004 at 08:22 AM

as for #1, it's right there before you search for files, says "do not use case fixing" or something like that. just tell it not to use it.

cbsoundman - 7-20-2004 at 03:47 PM

It does when you rebuild your database but not when you search for new files.

Pirk - 7-20-2004 at 04:15 PM

RE: It does when you rebuild your database but not when you search for new files.

NO, if you click on the icon "Options/Playlist" (at the bottom of the player panel) > Update database > Add new Music Files

then there, you have the option "don't perform case fixing"!!

It's one of the eJukebox subtleties... :) reserved to initiate users! :D