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Direct Playlist/Song Access
Bytor - 4-28-2004 at 03:47 PM

Just curious, has anyone used eJukebok/Winamp in a scenario where you can directly access and play a playlist or song with a remote? The reason I am asking is because the super-nudelist application looks cool and it got me thinking. If I understand correctly, I could use the application to create configuration files for my Pronto remote that would allow me to have my entire .mp3 database on my remote and could select an Album/Song and play it directly using Girder. You would press a button on the Pronto that would have a command mapped to it to send a number to Girder. Then Girder would cause Winamp to load the matching numbered playlist. I can see how this would work with Winamp only but how would this work with eJukebox?