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Play whole album
Dan - 2-23-2004 at 02:28 AM

Here is my suggestion:
Can you guys add a "Play Whole Album" button ? That would be really useful. At the moment you need to click on every song in order to listen to a whole album which is pretty time-consuming.

Should be easy to do, hu?

Fishy - 2-23-2004 at 03:43 AM

You mean in the songlist don't you? I've suggested that the playbutton is present underneith the albumcover there as well. However I would not be against a "play whole album" thingy in the menu in addition..

Pirk - 2-23-2004 at 02:05 PM

Message original : Dan
At the moment you need to click on every song in order to listen to a whole album which is pretty time-consuming.

Absolutely Dan, you are right, a "play whole album" button or a right click menu are crually missing in the songlist... We have already requested this feature so many times...

But i insist again:
Audiosoft, why don't you let your users do that???
OK... now i think i understand your feeling: You fear the previous playlist - possibly a long one! - be "accidentally" deleted, all right!

Then, maybe you could name this right click menu "Clear Playlist & Play Album". At least, things will be clear! If the user WANTS to do that, where is the problem? Sometimes we don't want to build a playlist, we only want to listen an album impulsively, then another... So in this case, a long playlist is a real handicap! I hope you see...


Blaze - 2-23-2004 at 02:54 PM

Ok maybe i don't understand the quiestion.
But you can add the entire album with a click.
Just right clik on the album and choose "add to playlist" and choose the album name

Pirk - 2-23-2004 at 03:13 PM

Yes Blaze, but when you use the "add to playlist" menu, your album is just added to the previous playlist and you CAN'T listen it immediately! You need to either first clear the previous playlist, or delete one by one the previous artists...
Like says Dan, it's "pretty time-consuming" if you only want to pick ONE album - and then another... - "on the fly" according to your mood...
You see?

Shambles, that's not too complicated!
:mad: You see a good album while you are browsing the songlist and you want to hear it, here now! Currently it's impossible!!! :mad:

Sorry for my anger. ;)

Fishy - 2-23-2004 at 05:06 PM

Pirk: I agree with you 100% and several users have come up with ideas on how this can be solved. By drag and drop, a playbutton, in the rightmenu etc. Too much to repeat. I hope audiosoft takes this into consideration in further development and streamlining of the gui!

Pirk - 2-23-2004 at 05:38 PM

Ah, thank you Fishy ;)

I also hope AUDIOSOFT READ my (our!)explanations AND SEE what we mean...
For once we don't request the moon! :o Only a way to play an album from the songlist... simply, no more!


Fishy - 2-23-2004 at 06:22 PM

Are you allright over there?

Pirk - 2-23-2004 at 06:46 PM

Yes Fishy, no problem all is fine, but that was really an earthquake on all the east of France!

Have you also felt this earthquake in Norway?

Demnos - 2-23-2004 at 07:30 PM

Pirk, sorry, that was my fault. I turned up the volume because I just got a bunch of new MP3 tracks and I just HAD TO PUMP THE BASS, MAN.... HA HA HA, so no earthquake, just some low-frequency vibes coming your way from my stereo. Groove it!!! Man and that stuff I'm smoking rocks too... (just kidding)

Pirk - 2-23-2004 at 07:38 PM

Ha ha ha... Demnos...

Yes! i can hear your music: RAMMSTEIN, Mutter :o
Could you translate for me the German lyrics? in French of course... :D

Fishy - 2-23-2004 at 08:06 PM

Pirk: We barely got earthquakes up here. Quite a stable socket. I think they got some further south in norway (I live in the very northern part) but they seldom reach to the higher levels on the scale :)..

I could try to translate Rammstein - Mutter, but for some reason I think Demnos will do a better job there :D

Pirk - 2-23-2004 at 08:20 PM

In France that has been 5,1 on the Richter scale. We hardly ever have a hearthquake. Today, it's the first time in my life i feel my house shake and crack! :o