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eJukebox 'Slave' Mode
CiXel - 3-7-2010 at 03:13 PM

I've had the idea for an eJukebox 'Slave' mode for a while. It's kind of an extension to 2Web where a copy of EJ acts as the visual front end.

Instead of sending its commands to winamp, EJ sends its commands to a specified IP address:port which controls 2web running on another machine. All the remote hooks are already in place.

I have 3 'phases' of implementation in mind:
Phase 1)
As a short term test initial test I would suggest the following:
Hook into the transport controls and allow sending of previous play/pause next
If we then play a stream in EJ, it will pickup the metadata from the stream and do a lookup for album art allowing us to do basic control from the transport.

Adding star rating, position slider, and _next_ could also be doable here since the hooks already exist.

Phase 2)
The Now Playing image display could be handled 1 of 3 ways: remote image, local image, or Auto (I'd love to see a button in web setup to switch between Remote, Local, Auto).

Remote Image:
This would be an easy way to pull the existing image that is sent down the line during a song change. Perhaps on the 'master' EJ we could specify in the 2web options what size now playing cover we'd like sent (for this or traditional 2web). Once received, this image could be stored in the local cache for future use.

Local Image:
Speed wise displaying an image from a local image cache would be ideal. It could allow you to have a larger size image than what is traditionally sent via 2web.
This could be also accomplished in a couple of ways; The first way is similar to when a stream is played in EJ, EJ reaches out and grabs cover art based on the metadata and stores it in the DB. The second way would involve copying an existing DB over from the 'Master' EJ to the slave machine as a way to 'prime' the image cache.

The Now Playing image would be handled in this hierarchy:
Use Local Cache Image
Get Remote Image
Search for Cover

(Even though not sent presently, populating the 'up next' would be a bonus)

Phase 3)
Find a way to incorporate 'search'
Either just leverage the remote search 2web already provides (probably easier), or by copying the DB from the 'master' machine allow it to send a song request down the 2web ip (speedier)

So that's my idea. Does it seem feasible?