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Play videos only feature
Dragon_slayer - 4-28-2009 at 04:22 PM

Hi Audiosoft, it would be great if you could expand on the Video feature. Maybe you could put a Video button at the top next to the Album button. Selecting this button could display video collections instead of albums in the Album List, this would be handy for people that have organized there videos into folders/sub-folders with album art, etc. It would also be great if you could add a ‘play videos only’ option, so we could put -videos only- on random play.

Audiosoft - 4-28-2009 at 10:08 PM

thanks for the suggestion just updated .81 exe HERE adds new options on list builder 'Include Media Types' with checkboxes for Audio Files, Video Files and Internet Streams. This will allow you to restrict autoplay to only audio files or only video files and prevent internet streams in autoplay if you wish. The list builder will also allow you to generate an album list of only your videos.