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2WEB modifications & requests
crlove - 10-25-2008 at 06:11 PM

** Can you add 1920,1930,1940 to year options in search?
** How does it determine the genre list because it doesn't have all my genres in the list?
** A most recently added songs option would be nice in the search.
** Search parameters would be nice it doesn't seem to recognize + - or and ""
** URL on page to the music stream for those that don't use IE.
** Password level on logon for Power User and Guest. Guest can only Add songs no rearranging, deleting, skipping or pausing. Power users would have all functions of the current interface.

Love the product keep up the good work.

Corrosionx - 12-15-2008 at 09:22 PM

As I already suggested in my "API" feature request, it would be nice for the 2Web interface to be much more customizable. For example it would be easy to make an iPhone-enabled 2Web if we could make our own HTML/JS/CSS.

There should also be some types of Kiosk features on the 2Web interface (I don't know if they are there already).