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Limit album view to 250 at a time
Demnos - 3-14-2003 at 09:59 PM

Repeat from the old forum: I am having a really hard time navigating the album view with a touch screen - with 800 albums the scroll bar slider is only 2 pixels high! Also it takes quite long for the album view to come up.

So it would be nice to have only 250 cover images at a time just like in the other views and then page forward/backward.

bosh - 3-14-2003 at 11:36 PM

Could this be more of an user definable option, instead of a limit of the album view window?

I have around 420 albums, and I like being able to see them all on one screen.

Pirk - 3-15-2003 at 10:09 AM

What do you think of a way of srolling the albums by clicking either on the letters or directly on an artist name selected in the artists list?


Audiosoft - 3-15-2003 at 11:03 AM

Just incase someone didn't know this was possible... we currently believe that the best way to scroll the Album List is by using the <- and -> Keyboard keys.

Also, we plan on adding an option to limit the album list to 250 or continue to show all on one page.

Pirk - 3-15-2003 at 01:27 PM

You are right, using the left and right arrow keys is a good way.
However the only thing is if you keep pressed a key, when you release it the display continue to scroll several images further instead of immediately stop.
