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Option to display/not display artist headers...
Dragon_slayer - 2-28-2008 at 02:56 PM


Not a huge request but I think it would be good if there was an option to display/not display artist headers & album boarders. It would also be better to keep them separate, so if someone wants to display only artist headers they just tick the appropriate option box or vice versa.

Audiosoft - 2-28-2008 at 05:57 PM

Under the album list Options button:
To hide the artist name headers check the "Do Not separate albums by artist" option then refresh the list.
To hide the borders set the album list background color to black and the border color to black then refresh the list. That will remove the regular color borders so that they are transparent when the album is not highlighted.

Dragon_slayer - 2-29-2008 at 03:01 PM

Ah, it looks like I could have done a better job explaining what I meant, I was actually referring to the artist headers and album boarders Pirk innovated for use in his CrimsonLive skin and I’m going to be using in my Future Retro skin. You can check some out here:

I’m also going to provide two or three optional artist headers & album boarders with my skin, it would be good if there was a way to link these to the ejukebox in the dis file and then be able to choose a different artist header via options in eJukebox. You could have an option to display artist header one, display artist header two etc. It would add another dimension to skin development & make ejukebox that little bit more customizable.

Ulle - 3-21-2008 at 07:42 PM

Yes, It could be a cool feature to be able to choose between more configurations files in 1 skin. It would be possible to skin different versions with etc. different colors variations.