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Infrared Remote Control
Rollingstone - 3-16-2006 at 03:06 PM

Hi, I'm pondering the possibility of changing tracks by remote control, and have sent off for an Irman IRC receiver. On the software page @ it mentions Winamp plugin, has anyone had any joy using this with eJukebox? I did read somewhere that a future version of eJukebox may have this support, how far away from this are we? and finally I hope that you are all doing fine.


Krobar - 10-11-2006 at 06:00 PM

I have used EJ with a USBUIRT and software called Girder for nearly 2 years now, it works great. You should be able to use any plugin that works with Winamp or uses hotkeys to make this work. EJ does not really need specific support.

rllercstr7 - 10-11-2006 at 09:59 PM

There is a sticky in general discussion for an RF remote that I created a profile for if you are interested, although it sounds like you have already purchased hardware. You might also find the program UICE helpful if it supports the remote you purchase.

Bytor - 10-12-2006 at 09:08 PM

I use Girder (very powerful) and a Streamzap PC remote. I can do all the basics up next, fast forward, pause and such. But I can also navigate between playlist, album list and even search. Works great! I put the Streamzap remote in a drawer once I got the Phillips Pronto programmed.