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I can control eJukebox with my mobile phone
petteri - 10-17-2003 at 08:29 PM

What do you think of this: I can control eJukebox with my mobile phone, and it doesn't cost anything.

I use Ericsson T68i phone and IBM laptop, both are equipped with Bluetooth. I can program the phone to send keystrokes to eJukebox. So far I've implemented these functions:

1 - pause/continue
2 - next song in a playlist
3 - increase volume
4 - decrease volume
5 - start/hide visualization
6 - minimize eJukebox
7 - maximize eJukebox
8 - load a playlist (name of the file can be written using mobile phone's keypad)

Very handy.

junk - 10-17-2003 at 09:39 PM

Heh! Great stuff! :) Probably looks quite impressive. How far was the range for bluetooth again?

Rich - 10-18-2003 at 12:12 AM

From the Web:

Three power classes are available for bluetooth. Classes 1,2 & 3 , they have the following characteristics:

Device Power Class - Max Output Power (mW) - Max Output Power (dBm) - xpected Range

Class 1 100mW 20dBm 100m
Class 2 2.5mW 4dBm 10m
Class 3 1mW 0dBm 10cm


petteri - 10-18-2003 at 08:32 AM

Bluetooth requires you to be in the same room. But if you use your mobile phone as a wireless remote control, that's enough.

junk - 10-18-2003 at 10:57 AM

One of my friends demonstrated his bluetooth handsfree at my place, which must have been the Class 2 2.5mW 4dBm 10m.

We then sat in the livingroom, while his phone was chargin in my bedroom. Should be well within the 10m range, but still powerful enough to go through walls.

It's a bit interesting for me, because i use a wireless image and sound transferrer to broadcast the sound and video from the PC in my bedroom to the TV in the livingroom. Would be handly to control eJukebox with a mobile then.

junk - 2-4-2004 at 10:45 AM

I have a new phone now, which supports bluetooth. I am now wondering how to navigate eJ through it. I guess i could surf the web throughout the bluetooth connection, and use the ej2web function, but the way Petteri described sounds more direct. Does anyone know how to send these commands?

petteri - 2-4-2004 at 09:35 PM

Well, it depends on your phone. I use Ericsson T68i and there is a free utility software available for it called BTControl. It allows me to download a menu from PC to Phone and then sends pre-programmed series of keystrokes when numeric keypad is used. Similarly, I can control whatever PC-application (works great with PowerPoint presentations!).

For example, when I press 1 on my phone, phone sends '+' to virtual Bluetooth serial port. eJukebox thinks this key comes from keyboard and increases volume. Similarly I was able to program all the necessary functions. I can even load a playlist by writing its name using phone's numeric keypad, as if I was writing a text message (sms).

junk - 2-5-2004 at 03:02 PM

Found BTConnect at:

Can you please upload your menu settings here in this thread (i see it's an exportable .ini file)?

And that seems quite good indeed! By the way, is there a way to control eJukebox by sms? Say that you are in a taxi, on your way home with a girl you wanna seduce.... you send an sms to your PC which loads your "get_her_into_bed.pls" playlist, and start playing.... I guess it could dim the lights and clean up your apartment as well, but i'd settle for it controlling eJ in the first place. :P

Come to think of it, i could do all this by using WAP or the Internet on the phone, but that would be a tad more expensive, and I guess you'd might end up looking like some kind of dork as well, fiddeling with your mobile all the way home.

petteri - 2-5-2004 at 05:50 PM

Here is my ejuke.ini text file, feel free to modify it to suit your needs:

Pause Keys p
Next Keys n
VolUp Keys ??
VolDown Keys --
Visualize Keys w
Minimize Appl eJukebox Minimize
Maximize Appl eJukebox Maximize
LoadPlayList Keys L & ~

One warning: I made this menu several months ago and it worked then OK. Since that Audiosoft has changed the way some keys work. You'll probably have to edit some of these lines.

petteri - 2-5-2004 at 05:55 PM

One more thing:

Notice that those key assignments are done using national keyboard driver. Therefore ?? means ++ i.e. increase volume.

If you use non-English keyboard, you have to adjust these keys accordingly.

junk - 2-20-2004 at 05:56 PM

I just checked another program called "Bemused" out, and it rocks! Lets me control winamp with a graphical interface from my p900! If you should be an owner of an Symbian-driven device such as the Sony Ericsson p800/p900 or the Nokia 92xx, 7650 or 3650 model, this should be downloaded immediately!

The project is not only free, but open source as well.