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Previous track works on my Media Keyboard
rlailey - 12-4-2006 at 11:16 PM

The Prev Track button works on by RF media keyboard with eJ but I have no idea how?! It works just perfectly, don't get me wrong, but pressing the Prev button on Winamp or using one of the automation utilities such as Prev.exe or Winamp command code 40044 does not work.

How do you do this Audiosoft? Can I script this with a key sequence or DOS command so I can replicate on my home automation system? It's really baffled me how you managed to do this!

Audiosoft - 12-5-2006 at 08:26 PM

ah...well when you hit << in eJukebox or on your media keyboard eJukebox simply plays the last song that was played in eJukebox. The winamp playlist does not contain the last song (only current and next song) so using Winamp's << button will not work.

Is there any way you can script the media keyboard << button? If not, would it help if I added a regular CTRL+? shortcut key for << in eJukebox?

rllercstr7 - 12-5-2006 at 11:39 PM

Hi Audiosoft,
I would really appreciate it if you could make the ctrl... shortcut key for eJukebox's previous function so I can use it with my remote. Also the controls on my logitech keyboard are still not working correctly with eJukebox. Thanks!

rlailey - 12-11-2006 at 11:56 PM

Well I did a google on scripting the Previous Track media keyboard button and the first hit was this forum thread! I don't think it will be too difficult for me to work out how to do it even if I have to write my own exe - just wanted a heads-up on how you did it that's all :)

Pirk - 12-12-2006 at 12:25 PM

Message original : Audiosoft
would it help if I added a regular CTRL+? shortcut key for << in eJukebox?

Audiosoft, I would be interested by a CTRL+ shortcut key for << in eJ. For my dedicated remote control! :)


rlailey - 12-19-2006 at 12:01 PM