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e2web default port
cbb77 - 1-5-2006 at 01:45 AM

Not sure if this is a bug or error on my part. I am trying to have eJukebox startup web portion using a different port since port 80 is already in use on my system by another service. I've specified a different one in the interface, however everytime I shutdown ejukebox and restart it, it defaults back to using port 80 and gives me an error that it's already in use. Am I doing something wrong or is there another way to specify the default port?


Audiosoft - 1-5-2006 at 05:14 AM

Hmm..not sure why it would still use 80 if you changed it. Try a totally different port number then click Launch. It should work and restore the port # when you restart.

rlailey - 1-5-2006 at 04:43 PM

I have had exactly the same problem where I changed the port in eJ to 83 but had to change my IIS Default Web Site installation on XP away from Port 80 in order to fix the eJ port 80 startup problem (even though I confirm it's actually using port 83)

cbb77 - 1-6-2006 at 01:04 AM

yup, already tried this. (Just did so again today). I can successfully change the port number and launch it. However upon, shutting down ejukebox and relaunching it, it reverts back to port 80. Funny part is if I go back & check the settings it has the new port number I specified?!?! It seems that ej is not saving this in the correct place or it not referencing it upon startup (just my speculation, don't know for sure)

rlailey - 1-6-2006 at 12:26 PM

Ah, OK cbb77, it looks as though I have a slightly different problem to you as I can set my eJ port to 83 and it stays at port 83 following an app close/open cycle - the only thing is that if I have another service running on Port 80 (such as IIS) then eJ produces a Port 80 in use error upon startup even though I've set eJ to use port 83 !!!

cbb77 - 1-6-2006 at 06:09 PM

Actually rlailey, it seems we have the same problem. I also have another service running on Port 80, the main reason I need to change ej's default port. I basically have ej running on my HTPC that I use for TV recordings as well. Not positive, but I believe the software I use for that also uses port 80 since it provides a web interface for me to do some remote administration. I have the pc recording all the time, thus why I only launch ej when needed. I have a button configured on my remote to automatically launch ej, so that I don't even need to have the TV on to launch it. This is why I want the web piece to auto start so that I can change play list via web remotely.

rlailey - 1-7-2006 at 06:41 PM

Audiosoft, any chance of fixing this in the next version?