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CPU usage 3.98
Rankled - 6-26-2005 at 09:38 PM

It seems like 3.98 uses quite a bit more CPU resources. Under task mgr / processes, ejukebox.exe is using almost 50% CPU doing nothing more than playing songs.

This is a POS PIII 500 mhz running XP w/ 512M RAM. It is running Ejukebox and Norton Systemworks v. 2003 and nothing else. It is a single purpose Ejukebox dedicated box.

Using edit for tagging, several times it has locked up due to 100% CPU usage. While the album covers seem to load faster than before. Opening up an artist group under an entire letter (such as all A's All B's etc.) takes forever. During that function CPU goes to 100% also.

Whats going on? Are there new minimum requirements with 3.98? What is going on that uses so much processor?

(Side note) The version upgrade starts a new program startup service instead of updating the existing ejukebox.exe. This causes dual ejukebox starts. If you aren't paying attention this can cause problems. You ought to fix that in your installation wizard.

Audiosoft - 6-27-2005 at 12:42 AM

What version of MS Internet Explorer do you have installed?

Rankled - 6-27-2005 at 12:45 AM

ie 6.0.2900.xxxxx

xp service pack 2

Audiosoft - 6-27-2005 at 12:51 AM

Thanks...IE6 is good enough. eJukebox does use CPU when you are using it...but if you have it just play music is should not use more than 3% CPU - 0% CPU for most people...not sure why you are getting 50%

Rankled - 6-27-2005 at 12:52 AM

Ejukebox 3.97 was using about 5% or less typically.

Audiosoft - 6-27-2005 at 12:57 AM


(Side note) The version upgrade starts a new program startup service instead of updating the existing ejukebox.exe. This causes dual ejukebox starts. If you aren't paying attention this can cause problems. You ought to fix that in your installation wizard.

Is this happening with the eJukebox AutoUpdate or the Upgrade download on our website? Do you know if eJukebox was still running when you tried to install the upgrade?

Rankled - 6-27-2005 at 01:02 AM

I think it was autoupdate. Sorry, I drink to forget and it seems to be working. I tell you for sure that Ejukebox was running at the same time the update was performed.

Audiosoft - 6-27-2005 at 01:15 AM

OK...thanks...eJukebox.exe can't be running when the upgrade installer goes to work. So u think it was eJukebox downloading the upgrade file inside itself and not you grabbing the beta or upgrade download from our website?

Rankled - 6-27-2005 at 01:18 AM

Yes. That's correct. The beta v3.98 was installed at the time. The released 3.98 was updated over the beta.

Audiosoft - 6-27-2005 at 01:23 AM

OK...looks like i am gonna have to go over the AutoUpdate code to make sure it closes ejukebox.exe before running the update.

I'll have to get back to you on the 50% cpu issue tomorrow. Let me know if it is still always 50% cpu after restarting your computer and running eJukebox again.

Rankled - 6-27-2005 at 01:48 AM

It doesn't really go below 30% even in an idle state. Such as when no music is playing at all. The taskmanager / processes tool identifies ejukebox.exe as the process using the cpu. As soon as Ejukebox is unloaded CPU usage goes to 2 to 5%. You have very responsive and pretty dang quick with replies. I have to say thank you very much for your excellent support!


Rankled - 6-27-2005 at 11:45 AM

I think I know what's going on. When I loaded 3.98 or reassigned the default skin it turned on all of the animation. I reverted back to 3.97 and saw essentially the same thing as I was seeing in 3.98. I had upwards of 50% CPU. I turned off the animation and no longer had CPU usage beyond 10% even when playing music. I restored 3.98 and the settings maintained the non-animation settings. At that point, my CPU usage was 9% to 15%. I went back and forth between the silver and default skins and there were no changes to the animation settings. They must have defaulted to animation during the upgrade. Thanks for the great communications.;)

cbsoundman - 6-27-2005 at 02:35 PM

Is it me or is everyone nervous about Rankled's tag on every message? No offense, Rankled, but I hope that is an attempt at humor.

Rankled - 6-27-2005 at 03:16 PM


Is it me or is everyone nervous about Rankled's tag on every message? No offense, Rankled, but I hope that is an attempt at humor.

It's the electronic signature I put on this board. It will go at the bottom of all messages I post until I change it. I use different ones all the time. Usually quotes or lyrics. Tull is my favorite band and it is a lyric from the song Aqualung. Are you always that easily terrified? You could have googled it to find out if it was the pass phrase for some perverted secret society. That's OK, I guess your just not into dinosaur rock. If you like concept albums you should check it out. By the way I am a very funny guy but that wasn't my attempt at humor. It is a way to let people know a little something about myself (Tull fan not a schoolyard perv.) without writing a biography.

Demnos - 6-27-2005 at 04:01 PM

That line by itself is a bit weird but now that you mentioned it is Jethro Tull Aqualung (1971) I looked up the lyrics again and they are really great (the song itself is a classic of course) And I think once people read the whole lyrics they realize what is really meant by the words on your tagline.

On the other could have saved youself some trouble. Good quoting means naming the source as well, so why not put "Jethro Tull" behind the quote?

Sitting on a park bench
eyeing little girls
with bad intent.
Snot running down his nose
greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes.
Drying in the cold sun
Watching as the frilly panties run.
Feeling like a dead duck
spitting out pieces of his broken luck.

Sun streaking cold
an old man wandering lonely.
Taking time
the only way he knows.
Leg hurting bad,
as he bends to pick a dog end
goes down to a bog to
warm his feet.

Feeling alone
the army's up the rode
salvation a la mode and
a cup of tea.
Aqualung my friend
don't start away uneasy
you poor old sod
you see it's only me.

Do you still remember
December's foggy freeze
when the ice that
clings on to your beard is
screaming agony.
And you snatch your rattling last breaths
with deep-sea diver sounds,
and the flowers bloom like
madness in the spring.

cbsoundman - 6-28-2005 at 04:18 PM

No, I am into dinosaur rock I just did not recognize the line. It just looked a little weird, that's all. It made you look like one of those guys who hangs out at the playground with a bag of candy looking for a date.