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Songtitle image
Pirk - 12-7-2008 at 05:43 PM


I'm skinning again Crimson Live.. and I would like to add a background image in .songtitle {} of the nowplaying.dis, but I'm experiencing a display problem: My image show up TWICE!
Do you know how could I remove the second one?


Audiosoft - 12-8-2008 at 06:45 AM

under the image add...

background-repeat: no-repeat;

Pirk - 12-8-2008 at 09:46 AM

Thanks Audiosoft, but no-repeat doesn't work in this case. It seems the image is repeated from the html, not by the css.

If I use repeat I get this:

Audiosoft - 12-8-2008 at 10:38 AM

OK updated Beta 36 again and "background-repeat: no-repeat;" should work good in the .songtitle now.

Pirk - 12-8-2008 at 08:16 PM

It works perfectly now. Thank you very much for this quick update!

Pirk - 12-8-2008 at 10:12 PM

OK guys, here is what I get tonight:

Pirk - 12-24-2008 at 01:23 AM


Could you fix the .artisttitle {} as well?
Because I would like to add another background in nowplaying.dis, but my image is also repeated by the html..


Audiosoft - 12-24-2008 at 03:56 AM

Pirk I am afraid that one is not as easy of a fix. If I change that one old skins will not display right. If you really need it I can probally do it but will have to add on optional ini setting to enable it in nowplay.dis

Pirk - 12-24-2008 at 11:26 AM

Ah.. well my goal is to put the loudspeaker of my crimson skin in a png so that it is not hidden by the album background image using z-index, like I already do for the songtitle image.. But if it's not handy for you I will survive without it!

Also, maybe you could allow "text-align: right;" or left for each nowplaying Text. That could be useful in my skin as well.


Pirk - 12-26-2008 at 01:11 PM


No need to modify the html, I found a way to get ride of the background repetition: Since I've added "background-attachment: fixed;" in .artisttitle {}, it seems the second image disappeared!? What luck! :D
So now I can put a big loudspeaker in the foreground. :)