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eJukebox feedback on
Audiosoft - 4-8-2003 at 12:39 AM

eJukebox was recently made a "Featured Component" on However, eJukebox has not recieved many additional downloads since there is no user feedback on

Please help out by posting your own review at:

Thank you for your help.

jhlurie - 6-23-2003 at 09:24 PM

Writing one soon. I'm just waiting for Winamp to process my registration. I agree that we should all be more active in helping you promote the product. More reviews means that you succeed, and your success means that you can put more and more into the product. Works for us all.


Later - Posted a comment there. But have you all noticed that even though only a few comments were written (all positive), somehow the "Public Rating" is only 1 star out of 5? This is... a problem and smells a bit fishy since the Winamp STAFF gave it better than four stars, and I haven't seen people posting either HERE or on who seemed pissed off enough to trash the product. An average of 1 star would mean than a lot of people are giving it ZERO--which I just can't believe. Or... something is wrong with the scorekeeping on that website.

Is it possible that users at Winamp who never have tried the product resent Audiosoft giving his own product 5 stars? (and why wouldn't he?) It would be childish if some group of morons there voted eJ zeros because of that.

Blaze - 6-24-2003 at 01:56 AM

Been there done that

Rune Jensen

jhlurie - 6-24-2003 at 03:13 AM

Originally posted by Blaze
Been there done that

Rune Jensen

Did you notice if eJ already had that bogus one star public rating at the time you wrote your comment?

Audiosoft - 6-24-2003 at 04:48 AM

Thank you jhlurie and Blaze for your comments on the winamp listing. Love both of your avatars.

Anyways, ever since we relisted for v3.0 on - it has had the 1 star public rating. There were database problems around the time when we submitted it. Before that we submitted it 2 times and both times the listing was mangled with someone elses plugin description and staff comments.

It doesn't seem like any of the user ratings or staff ratings are effecting the public rating at all. So, I think we are going to have to resubmit the listing again....and unfortunatly in the process we will loose both of your comments.

If you want to help us and eJukebox out, we would appreciate it very much if you copy and save your comments from the listing....and resubmit it when the listing comes back. Or submit a new comment on the new listing when it is up.

We are also going to need a few nice user comments to place on the eJukebox homepage. You can submit a comment, on eJukebox, for that by making a post in here.

:D Thank you all for your help!

jhlurie - 6-24-2003 at 05:56 AM

No problem. Just copied the text to my PC, and I can clean it up a bit too.

Blaze - 6-24-2003 at 10:44 AM

Ok I have saved it...

Didn't guite get that part on the user comment on your homepage.
Should we write a user comment in this thread or?

jhlurie - 6-24-2003 at 08:15 PM

Well... this is more like it...

From the dates on many of those reviews, they've always been coming in. Where has been hiding them all? Obviously the corruption was sending them somewhere into limbo.

EJ still misses being on the Top Staff Rated and Top User Rated lists, but hey... this is a big improvement, right?

EDIT - Okay... a day later. Winamp seems to have decided to erase the review I wrote. Sorry, I tried. They didn't even give me the courtesy of e-mailing me to tell me why it was wiped.

Another oddity: Audiosoft's link given in the first post here STILL goes to the screwed up "one star" entry. It still exists on their site. But if you search for "eJukebox" with the component search engine at it goes to the one I linked to above (alas, also the one they deleted my review from--they LEFT my review on the defunct page).