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eJukebox version 4.0 or 5.0?
Audiosoft - 4-3-2006 at 05:02 AM

What do you think about calling the next major version of eJukebox 5.0 and skipping 4.0 like Winamp did?

See attached poll and submit your vote.

Pirk - 4-3-2006 at 08:19 AM

Is that would like to say that we will have to wait at least 1 more year before the major update (large play controls, enhanced playlist, new homepage...) ? :(

Maybe should I call my skin "Version 4.0"? As it looks like a major update! :)

Pirk - 4-3-2006 at 08:35 AM

If we take the first choice, how will you call the eJukebox updates after the last version? 3.9991, 3.9992...?

PS: I think it would be time to consult Monsieur Jacques Chirac, the French president!! :D

Audiosoft - 4-3-2006 at 09:30 AM

There can be only 1 more update (v3.999) before the major version # change. I expect to have new larger play controls implemented in about a month for it. The question is should it be called 4.0 or 5.0 in honor of winamp and the fact that there have been a year and a 1/2 worth of significant improvements since eJukebox v3.95. Regardless of how you vote; updates will follow which add more features and interface improvements. If you think calling it 5.0 will be too confusing then vote for 4.0.

Rankled - 4-3-2006 at 03:16 PM

Unless there were to be a complete platform change, my opinion is that it makes more sense to migrate to It's easier to keep track that way.

If I were to want to reference a period in time when EJukebox were a certain way, I could step back intuitively. My mind isn't robust enough to actually REMEMBER things. I can however, perform math problems by increments of 1 or .001.

Either way, you should do what tickles your fancy.

Pirk - 4-3-2006 at 07:56 PM


If you think 5.0 is more opportune.. why not? There is no problem for me. You are the head!


peleus - 2-16-2013 at 03:41 PM

Quick question to everyone. What version are you currently using?