Hi everyone
I would like to share my ejukebox with you all.
Lets get started
First i made a backplate to build everything into out of 2mm aluminium, The size is 36" wide 26" high and 2.5" deep this will be the total depth of
the jukebox looks like a picture frame when hung on the wall.
The front i am having professionally made from brushed aluminium as this is a bit out of my depth.
Whats inside
Biostar GF8100 atx motherboard with amd 4200Ghz processor and 4Gig of ddr2 ram and a super quiet fan
Power supply is a made by shuttle and is only 9"x2"X2" in size and is fanless.
1 250gig western digital sata hard drive for the opperating system (Windows7 Ultimate 64bit) . 2 x 2 Tbite western digital one dedicated to mp3 files
and one for music videos.
Tp link wireless network card for wireless internet
cambridge works wireless sound adapter for wireless speakers.
2 12 volt power packs for the monitors all connected to only one incoming kettle socket which is the only cable entering the jukebox for the power
only as everting else is wireless.
Lg light scribe dvd re writter which ejects from the side.
4 USB ports 2 on each side for memory stick ect if required for transfering data.
1 17" ELO open back kiosk touch screen monitor for operating Ejukebox which works perfect with windows7 flicks and everything else.
1 17" ELO open back kiosk monitor with the touch screen removed, when playing a music video it is automatically displayed on this screen.
I have just added 2 wireless microphone receivers so i can now use this system as a karaoke machine using a professioal karaoke program called
Please note this system is up and running perfect but it is still in test at the moment
I now have to strip it all down and rebuild, after the casing has had a few modifications. I will take photos at each stage and post on here later.
This is one awesome and super quick Jukebox and the best thing is you can only see the one mains power cable as everything else is wireless.
Please let me know your opinion
PS EJukebox is the best, I know ive tried the rest!
Great! we await photos!
WOW Nice specs! Thank you for sharing the details! what resolution are
the 17" ELO's?
Would love to see a picture with the 2 screens!
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that is very good for the touchscreen! you should run them at their
native resolution whatever it is. if the music videos are mostly standard definition then 1024x768 is more than enough.
You can see my jukebox in action at
sorry about the video quality
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Thanks for the video of the "entrails". a photo of your jukebox with the facade would be welcome.