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Trouble loading music (id3 info not transferring, albums not showing up)
dipdog - 4-20-2009 at 08:50 PM

Just downloaded v4.9 and attempted to connect it to the hard drive that contains my music . It took a long time; the drive is about 60gb. When it was done, it showed a large number for the song count on the home page, which looks accurate, but only about a dozen albums showed up in the albums window. I looked into it a little more, and it looks like none of the ID3 info is being recognized. If I go into the ID3 edit function, all that it shows is the song title and track number; it shows nothing for the album and it shows a single letter for the artist which is the first letter of each song title (ie. if the song title is “song”, it shows the artist as “s”). So it's essentially not recognizing any albums; just single songs. Does Ejukebox read ID3 tags, or file names? Has this changed over the last several versions? All of my files are tagged with ID3 v1 and v2; artist, album, title, and genre. My folder structure is drive>genre>artist-album>song titles. There is a jpg file in each subfolder named cover.jpg with the cover art, and most of my files also have the cover art embedded in the ID3 tag.

Great looking program, would love to use it :) Appreciate any help you can offer!

Pirk - 4-20-2009 at 08:55 PM

I could just say that eJ is not compatible with "unicode cover datas" in ID3v2 Tags. Maybe it's your problem?

dipdog - 4-20-2009 at 09:14 PM

I think I found the problem. I looked through old posts, and I saw that someone mentioned something about embedded cover art in the ID3 tag conflicting with Ejukebox. So I took an album, stripped the cover art from the ID3 tags, reloaded it into Ejukebox, and now the album is showing up, complete with cover art (from cover.jpg file) and remaining ID3 info.

I added embedded cover art into my ID3 tags using the batch function on mp3tag ( It was the only program I could find that would batch load cover art to ID3 tags using a file string like cover.jpg. I wanted embedded cover art, so I could see the album covers on my Iphone. So I guess my only question is, does Ejukebox ever permit embedded cover art in ID3 tags and, if so, does anyone know of a compatible program that can batch embed cover art to ID3, while still allowing Ejukebox to recognize the rest of the ID3 info?

Audiosoft - 4-20-2009 at 09:18 PM

I think most use Tag&Rename to embed their cover art inside mp3 files before hand...but eJukebox will embed art file inside mp3 when you do 'Use Image from' button on the ej editor. Then it will tag rest of the mp3s in the album if you click the SetImage4All button that shows up.

dipdog - 4-21-2009 at 01:15 PM

Thanx for the replies. For what it's worth, after looking into it, mp3tag (great for batch embedding cover art) now uses utf-16 unicode for id3v2. So it was indeed a problem with unicode. Apparently, this isn't recognized by ejukebox, as well as other programs. There was an option to switch to ISO-8859-1, and that fixed the problem.