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Some albums don't show
inslag - 5-8-2006 at 10:17 AM


I like to use ejukebox for some time, but some covers don't show in the album list. For example, Eric Clapton, Unplugged. Tag is good, cover is named as cover.jpg, don't show in list, if i search it on search, there is the album, but not in the normal list, other albums of him i can see, now i renamed the album as The unplugged, and there it is, ejukebox showing the album. There are mor like this, what can i do, to see al my albums, there are al good tagged.


Audiosoft - 5-8-2006 at 10:19 AM

This has already been discussed and fixed for v3.999, which will be available for download later today.

inslag - 5-8-2006 at 10:23 AM

Thanks audiosoft

skid - 5-9-2006 at 02:36 AM

I finally broke down and bought eJukebox...and am loving it.

But I noticed there is one band that when I click on the album cover or the band name in the artist list it doesnt show the album details. The band is Y&T and I was wondering if the & was causing problems?

Has anyone else come across this?